This review is based on the
AdriaMed Technical Document N°14
Rev2 “General outline of
marine capture fisheries legislation and regulations
in the Adriatic Sea Countries”. The document
represents the effort of the FAO AdriaMed Project to
provide background information on legislative topics
of importance to marine capture fisheries in the
countries bordering the Adriatic Sea (Albania, Croatia,
Italy, Serbia-Montenegro and Slovenia).
This review was realized with
the support and supervision of each country
participating in AdriaMed.
For additional information please consult also the FAOLEX website.
The material in this review cannot be, and does not
aim to be, exhaustive either in terms of the topics
covered or the legislation screened. It aims to
provide useful indications in order to improve
understanding of fisheries legislation in marine
fisheries management in the Adriatic Sea.
The following topics are therefore considered:
a. Access regimes to fisheries
resources; |
c. Management and conservation
measures and |
b. Definitions of terms;
d. Monitoring, control and
surveillance and measures. |