and News Documentation |
Year 2015
- ordered by date |
11-12/11/2015 -
Ljubljana -
AdriaMed Working Group on Demersal Fishery Resources in the Adriatic Sea |
The AdriaMed Working Group on Demersal Fishery Resources in the Adriatic Sea (WG-DEM) was held on 11-12 November 2015 Ljubljana, Slovenia kindly hosted by the Fisheries Research Institute of Slovenia.
All the Project participating institutions (from Albania, Croatia, Montenegro Italy and Slovenia) was attended the meeting. The WG-DEM was focused on: i) Identifying priorities and needs for the Adriatic region; ii) Facilitating the coordination at Adriatic level of different data collection requirements; iii) Addressing the request from the GFCM-SAC to provide sub-regional stock assessment on priority species; iv) Fostering technical discussion on fisheries management plans at Adriatic level. During the WG, the results of the Study Groups on GSA 17 (North and Central Adriatic) and GSA18 (South Adriatic Sea) was presented and discussed.
28/09-02/10/2015 -
Kotor -
AdriaMed Working Group on Small Pelagic Fisheries Resources |
The AdriaMed Working Group on Small Pelagic Fisheries Resources was held from 28th September to 2nd October 2015 kindly hosted by the Institute of Marine Biology of Kotor, Montenegro. All the Project participating institutions (from Albania, Croatia, Montenegro Italy and Slovenia) was attended the meeting. The meeting was organized in two sessions: working session (hands-on session to progress and finalize the stock assessment initiated in the WG-SP meeting in July 2015) and session 2 to review the research activities, programmes and activities carried out at Adriatic level, to identify and review the priorities and needs and to formulate proposal for future activities. The outcomes of the session 1 of the Working Group on Small Pelagic Fisheries Resources held in Split, Croatia, 14-16 July 2015, was presented and used as basis to finalize the stock assessment exercise initiated in Split.
14-16/07/2015 -
Split -
AdriaMed Working Group on Small Pelagic Fisheries Resources |
The AdriaMed Working Group on Small Pelagic Fisheries Resources was held on 14-16 July 2015 kindly hosted by the Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries of Split (Croatia). All the Project participating institutions (from Albania, Croatia, Montenegro Italy and Slovenia) attended the meeting. The meeting, a hands-on session, focused on the revision of the database on small pelagics in the Adriatic Sea. The revision work was done at national level: each country checked and consolidated a final dataset for both anchovy and sardine. All the revised national datasets were put together in the Adriatic dataset on small pelagics.
31/03-01/04/2015 -
Podgorica -
AdriaMed Coordination Committee - 16 meeting |
The 16th AdriaMed Coordination Committee meeting was organized and held in Podgorica, Montenegro from 31st March - 1st April 2015 kindly hosted by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Montenegro. The meeting was attended by representatives of the Donors, delegations from the countries participating in the Project (Albania, Croatia, Italy, Montenegro and Slovenia), representatives of the Marine and Inland Service of the Fisheries Resources Use and Conservation Division (FAO-FIRF) of FAO, the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM), the FAO Mediterranean Regional Projects.
The Committee discussed on activities carried out during the inter committee period and on the programme of activities proposed for the next period of implementation.
See Related Publication:
Report of the Sixteenth Meeting of the AdriaMed Coordination Committee |