Ungaro, N. - Gramolini, R. - Osmani, K. - Milone, N. |
A methodological contribution to the identification of recruitment relevant areas for some shared demersal fisheries resources in the Southern Adriatic Sea (GSA 18). Paper presented at the GFCM-SAC Subcommittee on Stock Assessment (SCSA). Rome, Italy, 11th and 14th September 2006 |
GCP/RER/010/ITA/OP-20 (AdriaMed Occasional Papers n°20).
4 pp.
-332 Kb. |
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fisheries resources - demersal fisheries - population structure - recruitment - nursery grounds |
Abstract |
This paper represents an exercise to assess the practicability of the methodology applied for the identification of the methodological criteria for the definition of nursery/recruitment areas. The nursery areas are, as a rule, zones characterised by the high concentration of juveniles. The threshold size for the juveniles is generally considered as the length attained at the first year age (Fiorentino et al., 2003), but other metrics can also be considered. In this study, the presence and spatial distribution of recruitment areas of some demersal species in the Southern Adriatic Sea (Italian and Albanian waters only, GSA 18) were analysed on the basis of MEDITS data collection (1996-2004). The identification and mapping of nursery zones were performed through the applications of geostatistic methods in order to confirm the information available in literature. The study on the distribution and consistency of recruitment areas was carried out for the shared demersal species Merluccius merluccius, Lophius budegassa, Loligo vulgaris and Parapenaeus longirostris.