Some considerations on the concept and definition of the “priority species” for the fishery assessment and management purposes in the GFCM area--Preliminary appraisal for the discussion on the criteria to update the SAC shared stocks lists. Papers presented at the GFCM-Scientific Advisory Committee. Nicosia, Cyprus, 22nd and 26th October 2007
GCP/RER/010/ITA/OP-24 (AdriaMed Occasional Papers n°24).
10 pp.
-123 Kb.
The need for clarification on the concept of the priority species is a key research question of the GFCM, as was reported in the Report of the Ninth Session of the SAC (Rome, 2006). Furthermore this issue was recommended in the SAC Preliminary Workplan for 2007: “Priority species and shared stock lists: - identify criteria to update the SAC priority species and shared stocks lists, for all GSAs, including for the Black Sea. The main task of this paper is to contribute to the discussion of the concept, analysing the available information and proposing some simple criteria, fundamental if the existing list is to be updated as requested.