Ungaro, N. - Joksimovic, A. - Pesic, A. - Djurovic, M. - Kapidani, R. - Milone, N. - Ceriola, L. - Massa, F. |
Identification of the priority species and shared stocks in the Mediterranean Geographical sub-area 18 (Southern Adriatic Sea). Paper presented at the GFCM-SAC Sub Committee on Stock Assessment. Antalya, Turkey, 13th and 16th October 2008 |
GCP/RER/010/ITA/OP-29 (AdriaMed Occasional Papers n°29).
13 pp.
-1588 Kb. |
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shared stocks - fishery management - stock assessment - fishery policy |
Abstract |
This paper aims at contributing to test the criteria for the definition of priority species and shared stocks as formulated by the 10th GFCM-SAC meeting. The paper represents the output of the AdriaMed Working Group (WG) on demersal fisheries resources (Rome, March 2007) and the follow up to the AdriaMed WG on demersal fisheries resources (Kotor, June 2008). On the basis of the available information in the Adriatic Sea Geographical SubArea (GSA) n. 18 the paper provides: a) a list of priority species for fishery assessment and management at Country and large basin level (Southern Adriatic) in the Adriatic GSA n° 18 (Albania, Montenegro and Italy waters); b) a list of the main fishery stocks shared among the national waters of Albania, Italy and Montenegro.