demersal fisheries - stock assessment - benthos - standardization - Solea solea - associated species - population structure - shared stocks - international cooperation
The AdriaMed Technical meeting on SoleMon survey activities was held in Ancona, Italy from the 16th to 20th of May 2011. The meeting was funded and organized by the project GCP/RER/010/ITA FAO AdriaMed “Scientific Cooperation to Support Responsible Fisheries in the Adriatic Sea” and kindly hosted by the Institute of Marine Science (ISMAR-CNR) of Ancona. Experts from Croatia, Italy and Slovenia participated to the meeting. The SoleMon survey achievements were presented, as well as the activities implemented in the framework of AdriaMed in the last six years to support SoleMon. Two general presentations were given concerning a description of the catch of the sampling stations carried out in Slovenia and about the first observation of an invasive species (Anadara inaequivalvis) in the area between the mid-line and the Croatian waters. The SoleMon work plan for the next period was discussed and agreed on. It focuses on the preparation of a detailed report summarizing the results of the SoleMon survey from 2005 to 2010; the discussion of the population abundance indices by age-group for sole in the northern Adriatic sea; the development of a standard procedure for mapping benthic fish and megabenthos and possible improvement of ATrIS. Discussion was held on the preparation of a manual to improve standardization of sampling protocols, and quality control aspects. During the meeting laboratory analyses of the megabenthos samples collected during 2007 and 2009 surveys were carried out in order also to prepare an international atlas of benthic fish and epifauna collected during SoleMon survey. A template of species fact sheets (including identification key, distribution maps, photo, ecological traits) was presented and discussed during the meeting. Finally a timetable of personnel to participate on board the R/V Dallaporta in November 2011 and the seventh SoleMon survey was outlined and agreed on.