Donato, F. - Zorica, B. - Čikeš Keč, V. - Modic, T. - Pešić, A. - Đurović, M. - Mandić, M. - Kolitari, J. - Miraku, O. - Milone, N. |
Report of the AdriaMed Workshop on inter-calibration of sardine otolith reading. Split, Croatia. 28-29 June 2011 |
GCP/RER/010/ITA/SR-02 (AdriaMed Scientific Reports n°2).
19 pp.
2 MB. |
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age determination - growth rings - marine fish - otoliths - otolith readings - training aids - Sardina pilchardus - shared stocks - stock assessment- international cooperation |
Abstract |
The AdriaMed Workshop on inter-calibration of sardine otolith reading in the Adriatic Sea was organized in Split, Croatia from 28 to 29 June 2011. The Workshop was funded and organized by the project GCP/RER/010/ITA FAO AdriaMed “Scientific Cooperation to Support Responsible Fisheries in the Adriatic Sea” kindly hosted by the Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries of Split. Altogether twelve (12) scientists from five Adriatic countries and FAO staff participated. The Workshop listed and discussed on the main difficulties related to the sardine (Sardina pilchardus) otolith microstructure interpretation in the Adriatic Sea and identified a common protocol for readings between the research groups participating in the AdriaMed Project. The final outcome of the meeting consisted of revised agreed guidelines for the preparation and interpretation of sardine otoliths.