Revision 1: Manual of the Recorder - AdriaMed Training Course on Data Collection and Biological Sampling System on Small Pelagics. (Ancona, Italy 8th-11th May 2001)
age determination - biological sampling - data collections - fishery resources - growth rings - manuals - marine fish - otoliths - otolith readings - population dynamics - training aids
The document is the revised version of the previously published “Manual of the Recorder”. It is structured in two parts. Part I contains the “Manual of the Recorder” prepared in occasion of the AdriaMed Training Course on Data Collection and Biological Sampling System on Small Pelagics which was held in Ancona, Italy from the 8th – 11th May 2001. The main objective of the training course was to introduce standard methodology for data collection and analysis to be implemented during execution of the AdriaMed research programme “Data Collection and Biological Sampling System on Small Pelagics in the Adriatic Sea”. Part I of this document focuses on the contents of this training course, particularly dealing with issues related to catch and effort data collection and biological sampling. Part II is the Age Determination Manual issued in occasion of the AdriaMed Training Course on Fish Age Determination by Otolith Reading, organised within the same AdriaMed Research Programme in Ancona (Italy), 13th – 24th May 2002. This second training course dealt with age reading in order to introduce standard methodology for anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) otolith collection and analysis for age determination purposes.