Scientific Cooperation to Support Responsible Fisheries in the Adriatic Sea


AdriaMed Publications


Applicability of English Channel methodology to Mediterranean fisheries.

The Management of Fishing Capacity: general overview and preliminary considerations in reference to the case of the Adriatic Sea.

Adriatic Sea Fisheries: Outline of some Main Facts.

A framework for capacity appraisal in fisheries.

Capacity appraisal in the English Channel fisheries.

Example of capacity assessment of a Mediterranean fishery and relevant bio-economic indicators.

FAO AdriaMed
AdriaMed Seminar on Fishing Capacity: Definition, Measurements and Assessment. (Fano, Italy 24-25 October 2002) Browse the Publications
GCP/RER/010/ITA/TD-13 (AdriaMed Technical Documents n°13). 2004. 119 pp. -6,5 Mb-.  Download Download the Publication

Keywords: fishery management - fishery policy - fishing effort - fishing vessels - shared stocks

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The AdriaMed Seminar on Fishing Capacity was held at the Laboratory of Marine Biology and Fisheries, Fano, Italy on 24th and 25th October 2002. The Seminar aimed at familiarising experts from several fields related to fisheries in the Mediterranean to the issue of fishing capacity, its definition, measurement, assessment and related management options. The concepts of capacity utilization and target capacity, overcapacity and overcapitalization were introduced and clarified, together with the meaning of capacity under-utilization. In a context such as Adriatic fisheries, appropriate fleet segmentation is essential for capacity assessment. An important step is the establishment of a proper comparative monitoring system in the Adriatic Sea region, based on correct segmentation of the fleet and also accounting for the important issue of polyvalent vessels. Given the multi-species and multi-gear nature of the Adriatic Sea fisheries, one of the management options to resize the fishing capacity would be to redirect the effort, however the estimation of capacity is possible only as a total and not for a single species. Examples of fishing capacity appraisal were provided through case studies from the English Channel, the Mediterranean and Adriatic Sea’s fisheries. To assess effective fishery management plans it is important to know the fleet size and structure, the potential output from the current fleet and the target management objectives, considering both biological and economic parameters. The Seminar reviewed possible ways to manage fishing capacity, all of which aim to contrast free and open access to fisheries. Healthy fisheries in an area such as the Mediterranean and Adriatic can only result from careful collaborative management with the sharing of national information at all levels.

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