Scientific Cooperation to Support Responsible Fisheries in the Adriatic Sea


AdriaMed Publications

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Gramolini, R. - Milone, N. - Zeuli, V.
AdriaMed Trawl Survey Information System (ATrIS): the Biological Indicators module user manual (ver. 2.1). (Rome, Italy September 2007) Browse the Publications
GCP/RER/010/ITA/OP-26 (AdriaMed Occasional Papers n°26). 2007. 13 pp. -641 Kb-.  Download Download the Publication

Keywords: data collections - data processing - demersal fisheries - manuals - statistical analysis - trawling

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Through the FAO AdriaMed Project the Trawl Surveys Information System (ATrIS) has been developed for the AdriaMed Adriatic countries (Albania, Croatia, Italy, Montenegro and Slovenia), providing a flexible common environment to standardize the trawl survey data collected in the AdriaMed demersal trawl surveys. ATrIS was conceived as a simple tool to store and perform basic processing of the data collected, to facilitate and to standardize the data entry and retrieval of data. The ATrIS system offers some basic utilities to interface data with the Geographical Information System (GIS). The ver. 2.1 includes updates as well a module for the estimation of biological indicators (identified by the Adriatic area researchers). This paper provides some guidelines for the use of the new module.

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