Scientific Cooperation to Support Responsible Fisheries in the Adriatic Sea

AdriaMed Publications event's related


AdriaMed Coordination Committee - 19 meeting    

6-7/01/2018 - Sarajevo - Bosnia-Herzegovina

click to open relative textThe 19th AdriaMed Coordination Committee meeting was held in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina on 6 and 7 February 2018, kindly hosted by the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Water Administration of Albania. Following the final approval from its Presidency, the meeting welcomed Bosnia and Herzegovina as participating country of AdriaMed. The meeting was attended by representatives of the Donors, delegations from the countries participating in the Project (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Italy, Montenegro and Slovenia), representatives of the Marine and Inland Fisheries Team (FIAF) of the FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Policy and Resources Division, the FAO General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM), the other FAO Mediterranean Regional Projects. The Committee discussed on activities carried out during the inter committee period and on the programme of activities proposed for the next period of implementation.        


FAO AdriaMed
Report of the Nineteenth meeting of the AdriaMed Coordination Committee.  Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 6th-7th February 2018. Browse the Publications
GCP/RER/010/ITA/TD-43 (AdriaMed Technical Documents n°43). 2018. 60 pp. 450 KB.  Download Download the Publication

Keywords: Coordination Committee


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