Pursuant to the Article 57 paragraph 4 of the Law on Marine Fishery and Mariculture (Official Gazette of Montenegro No. 56/09) the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development issued the followingRULEBOOKON THE REGISTER OF FISHING VESSELSArticle 1This Rulebook lays down the content and the method of keeping the register of fishing vessels (hereinafter referred to as: the Register of Vessels) and the identification symbol of the fishing vessel entered into the Register of Vessels.Article 2The registration and deletion of the fishing vessels in/from the Register of Vessels shall be done on the basis of an application from a company, entrepreneur and a certain natural person that, in line with the law, comply with the requirements for commercial fishing. The application for registration in the Register of Vessels shall be submitted to the administration body in charge of fishery and mariculture affairs (hereinafter referred to as: the administration body) together with the application for issuing of the permit for commercial fishing, after calling of a public advertisement in line with the law. Article 3 The registration of fishing vessels in the Register of Vessels shall be made on the basis of: - Quotas of fishing vessels for Montenegro; - Newly built fishing vessels; - Change of activity of the fishing vessels and - Import of fishing vessels.
Article 4
Deletion of fishing vessels from the Register of Vessels shall be made on the basis of: - Destruction of fishing vessels; - Change of activity of the fishing vessels; - Export of fishing vessels; - Notification from the permit holder on cessation of commercial fishing activities; - Decision on cancellation of the permit.
Article 5 The permit holder shall, together with the application for registration, or deletion of fishing vessels, as appropriate, present the appropriate evidence on the basis for registration, or deletion of the fishing vessel. The forms and contents of the application referred to in the Article 2 of this Rulebook are presented in Annexes 1 and 2, which are printed together with this Rulebook that they make an integral part of.
Article 6 The identification symbol of the fishing vessel (CFR) shall contain: the international abbreviation of the state of Montenegro (MNE), the three digit code of the home port of the fishing vessel (001) and the six digit number marking the order in which the fishing vessels are registered in the Register of Vessels (000001)
Article 7 The following data shall be entered in the Register of Vessels: 1) Fishing vessel (basic data): - vessel’s name; - vessel’s home port (HP); - vessel’s registration symbol (EXM); - crew number; - vessel’s registration port (RP); - date of the first fishing operation (DOC); 2) Construction of the vessel: - place of construction of the vessel (POC); - year of construction of the vessel (YOC); - construction material of the vessel (HULLM); 3) Tonnage of the vessel: - tonnage in gross tons (GT); - tonnage in gross register tons (GRT); - net register tons (NRT); - calculated tonnage (BT); - increase in gross tonnage (GTs); 4) Dimensions of the vessel: - length over all (LOA); - length between perpendiculars (LBP); - vessels width (m); - vessel’s height (m); - freeboard height (m); - vessels draught (m); 5) Owner and the person operating the vessel: - first and last name; - place and address of residence; - personal identification number; - telephone / fax/ e-mail; - a photo of the owner, or the person operating the vessel; - a photo of the vessel; 6) Communication equipment on board: - VHF radio station; - UHF radio station; - radio navigation; - radar; - satellite system; - monitoring system; - IRCS internal radio code; 7) Additional equipment on board: - network probe; - sonar; - sounder; - cold store plus (m3); - cold store minus (m3); - ice maker; - other equipment; 8) Power generators and auxiliary generators: - engine number; - function: main or auxiliary; - fuel; - no. of cylinders; - power in kW; - model – year of production; - producer; 9) Support: -type of support; -year in which support was received; -description of the support; 10) Vessel segmentation on the basis of fishing gear;
11) Permit for commercial fishing: -fishing gear; -quantity of fishing gear; -date of the permit issuing; -place of the permit issuing; -expiration date for the permit.
Article 8 This Rulebook shall enter into force on the eighth day from the day of its publishing in the Official Gazette of Montenegro.
Ref No.: 320/10-1101-5725/10