Events and News |
03/06/2020 -
AdriaMed Working Group on Demersal Fishery Resources in the Adriatic Sea. AdriaMed Study Group on intercalibration of demersal fish otolith reading (Solea). Session 6: roadmap for Solea solea 1 (otolith exchange results)** reserved to the Study Group on Solea solea otoliths |
The sixth session of the virtual AdriaMed Working Group of Demersal Fisheries Resources was dedicated to the Stock assessment of priority and non priority species. The meeting focused on Solea soleaand was held virtually on Skype on 3rd June 2020 in the framework of the AdriaMed Study Group on intercalibration of demersal fish otolith reading (SG-OTH-DEM). The SG-OTH aimed at discussing the results of the exchange exercise of a common set of otoliths of Solea solea launched in November 2019. The experts agreed to progress the discussion in the following weeks in additional virtual meetings.