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     Scientific Cooperation to Support Responsible Fisheries in the Adriatic Sea



Croatian Ministry
of Agriculture

italian ministry of agriculture,
food and forestry policies


Slovenian Ministry of Agriculture
Forestry and Food

GFCM MedSudMed
CopeMed II EastMed


EVENTS click on the title to enlarge text event

09-10 December 2020. Zoom: Video Conferencing
Online Workshop: Transition towards an ecosystem approach to fisheries in the Mediterranean Sea: lessons learned through selected case studies

The online workshop, organized by FAO Fisheries Division in collaboration with FAO Regional Projects, compared and analyzed selected experiences with the implementation of EAF-like approaches to fisheries management in the Mediterranean Sea. The final objective of the action is to contribute to global efforts by FAO to identify lessons regarding enabling

factors and main challenges to strengthen EAF implementation. The workshop discussed 10 case study fisheries from different sub-regions of the Mediterranean, selected for their recognized attempts to change management practices in line with some of the basic principles of EAF, including participatory and adaptive fisheries management. Participants agreed on a roadmap to the preparation of a technical report that will document the case studies and the main lessons emerging form their comparative analysis.

10 November 2020. Zoom: Video Conferencing
Small-Scale Fisheries University Day

The SSF - University DAY was a single day event organized by the FAO Mediterranean Projects AdriaMed, EastMed, CopeMed, MedSudMed and the FAO GFCM BlackSea4Fish Project in collaboration with several national partner organizations. The event was part of the Small Scale Fisheries University launched by the FAO General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (FAO – GFCM) in the framework of the Regional Plan of Action for a Small Scale Fisheries in

the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. The initiative has been conceived as an event to take place simultaneously throughout the Mediterranean and Black Sea. The Day foresaw national workshops to address common regional SSF issues such as collaborative science and the valorization of fishers knowledge, thus including participatory data collection, local ecological knowledge (LEK), perception on climate change and environmental impacts of fishing. The event was an opportunity to give voice to fishers and to promote a proactive dialogue among them, scientists and national administration. The SSF University DAY was held virtually in 13 different localities at the same time involving 20 institutions and more than 200 connected participants.

19-23 October 2020. Zoom: Video Conferencing
Online course/Workshop on Empirical Indicators for Fisheries Management Advice

The FAO Mediterranean Projects AdriaMed, CopeMed, EastMed and MedsudMed organized, in collaboration with the FAO-Fisheries Division, the Online course/Workshop on Empirical Indicators for Fisheries Management Advice (Zoom, 19-23 October 2020). The course was attended by 27 participants, mainly senior scientists from 13 Mediterranean countries

involved in the Projects activities. The course focused on Empirical Management Procedures and particularly on the development, selection, and use of empirical indicators to provide operational fisheries management advice. Its starting point was the set of basic requirements of the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries applied to Fisheries Management Processes. During the workshop most of the time was dedicated to discussing the process and criteria for selecting, validating, using and communicating empirical indicators, and also on how to run a peer-validation process for improving the credibility and legitimacy of the indicators and their use in management. A pool of indicators was selected and real data exercises on two stocks formally assessed respectively as over- and under- exploited in the Mediterranean were completed. The results were discussed to highlight properties of indicators and to compare the indicator findings with the outcomes of model based assessment.





© FAO-AdriaMed project  - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Fisheries and Aquaculture Department
(room C353)  Viale delle Terme di Caracalla - 00153 Rome -Italy- ::: tel  +39 06 570 56092/55467 ::: fax +39 06 570 55188 - 

[online]. Rome. Updated. [Cited ].