Publications |
The AdriaMed Project publications
are issued as a series of Technical Documents (GCP/RER/010/ITA/TD-00)
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Publication/s |
FAO AdriaMed |
Report of the Nineteenth meeting of the AdriaMed Coordination Committee.
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 6th-7th February 2018. |
GCP/RER/010/ITA/TD-43 (AdriaMed Technical Documents n°43).
60 pp.
450 KB. |
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Coordination Committee |
Abstract |
The Nineteenth Meeting of the Coordination Committee of the FAO AdriaMed Regional Project “Scientific Cooperation to Support Responsible Fisheries in the Adriatic Sea” was held in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 6th – 7th February 2018. It was attended by representatives of the Project’s participating countries (Albania, Croatia, Italy, Montenegro, and Slovenia), representatives of the Donors, GFCM, FAO REU and other interested parties. This meeting welcomed Bosnia and Herzegovina as participating beneficiary country of the Project following the signature by the authorities of the Project agreement. The meeting sought to present and discuss the results of the activities carried out by the Project in 2017. The activities followed the methodological approach used by the Project and were presented according to the main components. The working paper “Project Future Implementation”, in which objectives, outputs and activities proposed for 2018 was introduced and agreed by the Committee including additional inputs coming out from the discussion.
FAO AdriaMed |
Report of the Eighteenth meeting of the AdriaMed Coordination Committee.
Tirana, Albania. 16-17 February 2017. |
GCP/RER/010/ITA/TD-42 (AdriaMed Technical Documents n°42).
59 pp.
384 KB. |
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Coordination Committee |
Abstract |
The Eighteenth Meeting of the Coordination Committee of the FAO AdriaMed Regional Project “Scientific Cooperation to Support Responsible Fisheries in the Adriatic Sea” was held in Tirana, Albania, 16th – 17th February 2017. It was attended by representatives of the Project’s participating countries (Albania, Croatia, Italy, Montenegro, and Slovenia), representatives of the Donor, GFCM, FAO Albania and other interested parties. Representatives from Bosnia and Herzegovnia participated for the first time in view of their request to become participating beneficiary country of the Project. The meeting sought to present and discuss the results of the activities carried out by the Project referring to the 2016.
The activities followed the methodological approach used by the Project and were presented according to the main components. The working paper “Project Future Implementation”, in which objectives, outputs and activities proposed for 2017 was introduced and agreed by the Committee including additional inputs coming out from the discussion.
FAO AdriaMed |
Report of the Fifteenth Meeting of the AdriaMed Coordination Committee.
Trieste, Italy. 11-13/03/2014. |
GCP/RER/010/ITA/TD-35 (AdriaMed Technical Documents n°35).
46 pp.
290 KB. |
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Coordination Committee |
Abstract |
The Fifteenth Meeting of the Coordination Committee of the FAO AdriaMed Regional Project “Scientific Cooperation to Support Responsible Fisheries in the Adriatic Sea” was held in Trieste, Italy, 11-13 March 2014. It was attended by representatives of the Project’s participating countries (Albania, Croatia, Italy, Montenegro, and Slovenia) and other interested parties. The meeting sought to present and discuss the results of the activities carried out by the Project referring to the 2013. The activities followed the methodological approach used by the Project and were presented according to the main components. Attention was drawn to the Concept Note for a single Mediterranean region fisheries Programme developed by FAO-FIRF that will build on the experience, lessons learned and result achieved so far by the FAO Mediterranean Projects (AdriaMed, CopeMed II, EastMed and MedSudMed) and will improve the current mechanism for the implementation of activities by increasing more activities related to the EAF component, reducing the administrative layer and seeking the possibility to amplify the funding sources to potential Donors across the region. The working paper “Project Future Implementation”, in which objectives, outputs and activities proposed for 2014 was introduced and agreed by the Committee including additional inputs coming out from the discussion.