19-23/10/2020 -
Zoom -
Online course/Workshop on Empirical Indicators for Fisheries Management Advice |
The FAO Mediterranean Projects AdriaMed, CopeMed, EastMed and MedsudMed organized, in collaboration with the FAO-Fisheries Division, thethe Online course/Workshop on Empirical Indicators for Fisheries Management Advice (Zoom, 19-23 October 2020)). The course was attended by 27 participants, mainly senior scientists from 13 Mediterranean countries involved in the Projects activities. The course focused on Empirical Management Procedures and particularly on the development, selection, and use of empirical indicators to provide operational fisheries management advice. Its starting point was the set of basic requirements of the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries applied to Fisheries Management Processes. During the workshop most of the time was dedicated to discussing the process and criteria for selecting, validating, using and communicating empirical indicators, and also on how to run a peer-validation process for improving the credibility and legitimacy of the indicators and their use in management. A pool of indicators was selected and real data exercises on two stocks formally assessed respectively as over- and under- exploited in the Mediterranean were completed. The results were discussed to highlight properties of indicators and to compare the indicator findings with the outcomes of model based assessment.
5-9/10/2020 -
Zoom -
Online Training Workshop: Introduction to integrated stock assessment using Stock Synthesis |
The FAO Mediterranean Projects AdriaMed, CopeMed and MedsudMed organized, in collaboration with the FAO-Fisheries Division and the USA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the the Online Training Workshop on Introduction to integrated stock assessment using Stock Synthesis (Zoom, 05-09 October 2020)). The course was delivered by a team of lecturers from FAO, NOAA and JRC, including the main developers of the Stock Synthesis model. It was attended by 15 participants and 8 observers from 8 countries in the Western-Central Mediterranean and Adriatic Sea where integrated assessment models are currently being used as part of the benchmark process for hake and blackspot seabream. The course aimed at understanding concepts of integrated assessment models as well as on getting acquainted with the integrated assessment package Stock Synthesis. The first half of the workshop focused on the overview of the program and detailed setups of data and parameters. The second half, consisted on theoretical and practical sessions, during which students applied the model to datasets provided by the trainers, and could examine model outputs, retrospective analysis and sensitivity tests for a full model diagnostics and provision of advice.
11/06/2020 -
Webinar on the Local Ecological Knowledge (LEK) |
The live webinar on "Local Ecological Knowledge" (LEK) was organized by the four FAO Mediterranean Projects, AdriaMed CopeMed, EastMed and MedSudMed on 11th June 2020 via ZOOM. The webinar was organized with the cooperation of the MPA-ENGAGE project ‘Engaging Mediterranean key actors in Ecosystem Approach to manage Marine Protected Areas (MPA) to face Climate change’. Mr Joaquim Garrabou ICM-CSIC, Barcelona Spain acted as moderator and Mr Ernesto Azzurro IRBIM-CNR, Italy as main speaker. The webinar focused on approaches and methods to engage local experts, such as fishers and divers, and value their knowledge for scientific studies Local Ecological Knowledge (LEK) is generating new grounds for marine research, while stimulating awareness among marine services users and education (CBD articles 7 and 13). More than 80 experts from 14 Mediterranean countries participated in the event.
08/06/2020 -
AdriaMed Working Group on Demersal Fishery Resources in the Adriatic Sea. Session 8: Vulnerability Assessment of Adriatic fisheries to climate |
The eighth session of the virtual AdriaMed Working Group of Demersal Fisheries Resources (WG-DEM) was dedicated to the Vulnerability Assessment (VA) of Adriatic fisheries to climate change. The meeting was held virtually on Skype on 8th June 2020. Following the presentation of the methodology for the implementation of the VA to climate change on the small pelagic fish and demersal fisheries in the Adriatic in the WG-DEM in October 2019, the team working on this task launched an online survey to engage with national experts in the assessment to receive feedback on the process. The preliminary results were discussed during the meeting and next steps agreed upon.
22/05/2020 -
AdriaMed Working Group on Demersal Fishery Resources in the Adriatic Sea. Session 3: MEDITS surveys in GSA 17 |
The third session of the virtual AdriaMed Working Group of Demersal Fisheries Resources was dedicated to the "Progresses in the monitoring plan on Jabuka/Pomo Pit FRA". The meeting was held virtually on Skype on 22nd May 2020 and focused on the analysis of the MEDITS surveys data collected in the FRA. Besides the summer MEDITS survey, particular attention was given to the analysis of the winter surveys carried out at the beginning of March 2019 and 2020 in the Jabuka/Pomo Pit FRA.
20/05/2020 -
AdriaMed Working Group on Demersal Fishery Resources in the Adriatic Sea. Session 2: AIS data analysis |
The second session of the virtual AdriaMed Working Group of Demersal Fisheries Resources was dedicated to the "Progresses in the monitoring plan on Jabuka/Pomo Pit FRA". The meeting was held virtually on Skype on 20th May 2020, and focused on the analysis of AIS data taken in the area. The intensity of fishing activities by zones in the Jabuka/Pomo pit FRA as derived by AIS data were illustrated. The experts agreed to further progress and refine the analysis for understanding the possible displacement of fishing effort in and around the FRA.
18/05-8/06/2020 -
AdriaMed Working Group on Demersal Fishery Resources in the Adriatic Sea |
The decision to convene the AdriaMed Working Group on Demersal Fisheries Resources in the Adriatic Sea through virtual meetings was taken to cope with the emergency situation created by the COVID-19 pandemic. The overall aim of the meetings was to address problems related to the cancellation or postponement of field research activities and/or meetings planned. The meetings, given the virtual nature of the consultation, were organized over several sessions in the period 18 May-8 June 2020. Overall eight (8) sessions were organized and each session was devoted to a specific topic: Progress in the monitoring plan on Jabuka/Pomo Pit FRA (session 1-4) session 1) UnderWater Television surveys; session 2) AIS data analysis; session 3) MEDITS surveys in GSA 17; session 4) Stock Assessment of Merluccius merluccius; Lophius spp.; Illex coindetii; Stock assessment of priority and non priority species (session 5-7) session 5) Stock Assessment (roadmap forr Mullus barbatus; Parapenaeus longirostris; Eledone cirrhosa); session 6) roadmap for Solea 1 (otolith exchange results)** reserved to the Study Group on Solea otoliths; session 7) roadmap for Solea 2: towards the benchmark assessment of Solea solea; Vulnerability Assessment of Adriatic fisheries to climate change session 8) Vulnerability Assessment of Adriatic fisheries to climate change and Introduction to the SSF University Day initiative.
18/05/2020 -
AdriaMed Working Group on Demersal Fishery Resources in the Adriatic Sea. Session 1: UnderWater Television surveys |
The first session of the virtual AdriaMed Working Group of Demersal Fisheries Resources was dedicated to the "Progresses in the monitoring plan on Jabuka/Pomo Pit FRA". The meeting was held virtually on Skype on 18th May 2020 and focused on the UnderWater Television surveys (UWTV). The UWTV survey is one of the methods included in the GFCM Monitoring plan (2018-2020) for the Jabuka/Pomo Pit FRA. During the session, an outline of the UWTV surveys performed, as well as of data available so far was provided. An update on the progresses and trials towards the stock assessment of Nephrops norvegicus was also given.
20/04/2020 -
AdriaMed-GFCM meeting on progresses towards the benchmark of small pelagics in the Adriatic Sea |
The AdriaMed - GFCM skype meeting on progresses towards the benchmark of small pelagics in the Adriatic Sea was held virtually via SKYPE on 21 April 2020. The group i) revised the progresses made on the pending issues emerging from the 3rd joint AdriaMed-GFCM data preparation meeting (February 2020); ii) agreed to continue to work on line; iii) agreed to the possibility that, due to the current situation, also the final steps of the benchmark will have to be conducted on line.
03/2020 -
Monitoring of Jabuka/Pomo Pit (Central Adriatic Sea, GSA 17) |
The project organized and supported the second winter bottom trawl survey in the Jabuka/Pomo Pit area (early March 2020). The survey was part of the monitoring plan for the Jabuka/Pomo Pit fisheries restricted area (FRA) approved by the 20th SAC session and the 42nd GFCM session. The survey was carried out in collaboration with the Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries of Split (Croatia), the University of Bologna- of Marine Biology Laboratory of Fano (Italy), and GFCM Secretariat. The sampling at sea was carried out by the R/V Bios Dva (Croatia) and the M/P Andrea (Italy). Sampling stations (hauls) were performed according to the MEDITS protocol inside the FRA (no-take zone), and outside, in the buffer zone. Preliminary results were illustrated at the AdriaMed Working Group on Demersal Fisheries Resources (May 2020).
04-06/02/2020 -
Rome -
AdriaMed-GFCM Meeting on data preparation for the benchmark of small pelagics in the Adriatic Sea - 3rd meeting |
The 3rd Joint AdriaMed-GFCM Meeting on data preparation for the benchmark of small pelagics in the Adriatic Sea was held at FAO HQs on 4-6 February 2020. The overall objective of these meetings was to prepare the input data in view of the benchmark stock assessment on anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) and sardine (Sardina pilchardus) of the Adriatic Sea organised in the framework of the GFCM - Working Group of Stock Assessment of Small Pelagic Species.
02/2020 -
Vulnerability Assessment (VA) to climate change on the small pelagic fish and demersal fisheries in the Adriatic Sea |
The Project progressed, with the cooperation of ISPRA (Italian National Institute for Environmental Protection and Research), with the Vulnerability Assessment (VA) to climate change on the small pelagic fish and demersal fisheries in the Adriatic. National experts from all the Adriatic Sea were engaged by the Project in the assessment to provide feedback on the process. The methodology and some preliminary results on the Adriatic and Mediterranean in general were presented at the "2020 International Forum on the Effects of Climate Change on Fisheries and Aquaculture" (FAO-HQs, 25-26 February 2020.)
11/12/2019 -
Rome -
AdriaMed Study Group on intercalibration of fish otolith reading (small pelagics):Follow-up meeting on intercalibration exercise (anchovy) |
The meeting was organized taking advantage of the concomitant GFCM Working Groups on Stock Assessment (December 2019) and saw the participation of all the experts involved on the ageing of anchovy through otolith reading. The meeting saw also via skype the participation of Ms Leire Ibaibarriaga, the stock external reviewer called by the GFCM in occasion of the benchmark session, and Mr Andres Uriarte from ATZI, the international expert invited by AdriaMed to facilitate the intercalibration exercise on anchovy otoliths. The meeting agreed toprovide the whole set of otoliths (real otoliths and images) to Mr Uriarte with the length distribution from catches and from surveys. In addition the group agreed to ;i) verify the possibility to organize a tailored training on FLSAM to selected Adriatic expert/s; ii) on middle January 2020 organize a skype meeting to follow up on ageing and the use of possible alternative models; iii) Organize a third data preparation meeting aimed at conclude the discussion on ageing and at reviewing the remaining pending tasks before the benchmark. In terms of model to be used for the benchmark, for anchovy the first option would be FLSAM, with other options (SS3, two-stage, etc.) to be investigated if problems arise.
26/11/2019 -
AdriaMed Study Group on intercalibration of demersal fish otolith reading (Solea solea) |
The AdriaMed Study Group on intercalibration of demersal fish otolith reading (SG-OTH-DEM) on Solea solea virtually met (via Skype) on 26 November 2019. The meeting aimed at progressing on the roadmap agreed to overcome some discrepancies on the ageing of S. solea. The experts agreed to initiate the reading of the common set of S. solea otoliths by comparing three preparation methods (whole otolith, section, burnt section).
11/2019 -
Adriatic Sea
Survey at Sea (North-Central Adriatic Sea) |
The annual survey at sea focused on Solea solea (SOLEMON) was carried out by the Italian research vessel Dallaporta by the CNR-IRBIM of Ancona (Italy) in cooperation with the Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries of Split. The AdriaMed Project supported the participation of Croatian experts on board of the SoleMon survey and in the joint analysis of the data collected.
24-25/10/2019 -
Rome -
AdriaMed Working Group on Demersal Fishery Resources in the Adriatic Sea |
The AdriaMed Working Group on Demersal Fishery Resources in the Adriatic Sea (WG-DEM) was held on 24-25 October 2019in FAO-HQs, Rome, Italy. Research participating institutions from Albania, Croatia, Montenegro Italy and Slovenia attended the meeting. The WG-DEM discussed and defined the work plan for the next period: 1) to update the emerging needs and priorities of the fisheries Research Institutions on data processing and analysis of the shared demersal stocks of the Adriatic Sea; 2) to follow up on the GFCM Recommendation GFCM41/201/3 on the establishment of a Fisheries Restricted Area in the Jabuka/Pomo Pit area, by setting a meeting of the Study group on Jabuka/Pomo Pit before the GFCM SubRegional Committee of the Adriatic Sea (May 2020) to update on state and results of the monitoring plan; 3) to proceed with the appraisal and stock assessment of demersal stocks. A series of scientific contributions stemming from the work of the WG-DEM, were jointly prepared and presented at the GFCM Working Group on Stock Assessment of Demersal (November 2019).
22-23/10/2019 -
Rome -
AdriaMed Working Group on Small Scale Fisheries in the Adriatic Sea |
The annual AdriaMed Working Group on Small Scale Fisheries in the Adriatic Sea (WG-SSF) was organized and held on 22-23 October 2019, FAO HQs, Rome. The meeting: i) progressed on the mapping exercise on small scale fisheries initiated in the framework of the AdriaMed Project in 2017/2018 and agreed to prepare a joint scientific paper with the data collected so far; ii) progressed on Recreational Fisheries with the identification of possible common criteria for the preparation of a joint contribution on the interactions between SSF and RFs (to be presented to the forthcoming GFCM WG RFs; iii) defined a joint proposal to contribute to the SSF University; iv) followed up on the on-going activities on non indigenous species (NIS) with the LEK II protocol and on a specific tailored survey based on LEK for Callinectes sapidus; v) contributed to the assessment of vulnerability to climate of fisheries launched in the Adriatic; and vi) planned future activities.
7/2019-10/2019 -
AdriaMed Intercalibration exercise on otoliths readings (Engraulis encrasicolus) |
An otolith ageing intercalibration exercise for anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) was launched in the framework of the AdriaMed Project in July 2019. The exercise involved all the Adriatic Research Institutions involved in the otolith reading, and a common set of otoliths was created to proceed in the reading exercise. The otoliths were from commercial and/or acoustic sampling. The reading exercise was concluded in October 2019 and an external expert was called to assist in the finalization of the intercalibration (Mr Andrés Uriarte from ATZI).
10/2019 -
Vulnerability Assessment (VA) to climate change on the small pelagic fish and demersal fisheries in the Adriatic Sea |
The Project initiated, with the cooperation of ISPRA (Italian National Institute for Environmental Protection and Research), the compilation of the available information on the Vulnerability Assessment (VA) to climate change on the small pelagic and demersal fisheries in the Adriatic. The methodology for the implementation of the VA to climate change was presented at the AdriaMed Working group on Small Scale Fisheries (FAO HQs, October 2019) and the AdriaMed Working Group on Demersal Fisheries Resources (FAO HQs, October 2019) with the aim of engaging national experts in the assessment and receive feedback on the process.
9-20/9/2019 -
Monitoring of Jabuka/Pomo Pit (Central Adriatic Sea, GSA 17) |
The Project is continuing to support scientific activities carried out in the Pomo/Jabuka Pits area on Nephrops norvegicus stocks. Under the cooperative framework of the Project, a video reading session was organized held to jointly analyse the data collected. The session was held in Ancona (Italy) from the 9th to the 20th of September 2019. The the Institute of Marine Biological Resources and Biotechnologies (CNR-IRBIM) of Ancona (Italy) and the Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries of Split (Croatia) were involved. In the session, as suggested by the ICES WGNEPS (ICES 2019), the Lin's Concordance Correlation Coefficient test (Lin’s CCC; Leocádio et al. 20181) was applied for the first time to carry out: i)) the 2019 footage analysis and validation of stations during the readings, ii) the revision and consolidation of the 2012-2017 time series. The working session was also an occasion for a hands-on training on Adriatic Reference set and test on readers’ performances. 1. Leocádio, A., Weetman, A., and Wieland, K. (Eds). 2018. Using UWTV surveys to assess and advise on Nephrops stocks. ICES Cooperative Research Report No. 340. 49 pp. https://doi.org/10.17895/ices.pub.4370.
08/2019 -
South -
Adriatic Sea
Surveys at Sea (South Eastern Adriatic Sea, GSA 18) |
In August 2019, a trawl survey was conducted in close cooperation with COISPA Tecnologia & Ricerca (Bari, Italy), the Institute of Marine Biology of Kotor –University of Montenegro (Montenegro) and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Albania by M/P MIZAR. In total, 20 sampling stations covering Albania (15) and Montenegro (5) were performed. The survey, supported by the Project, is the extension to the south eastern Adriatic sea of the EC MEDITS programme.
8-19/07/2019 -
Capo Granitola -
Sicily, Italy
Summer School in quantitative fisheries stock assessment: 3rd edition |
The FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department, with the involvement of AdriaMed and of all the FAO Mediterranean Projects (CopeMed II, EastMed, MedSudMed), the GFCM and the European Commission Joint Research Center (JRC), organized the third edition of the “Summer School in quantitative fisheries stock assessment”. The Summer School was held at IAS-CNR of Capo Granitola, Italy, in two consecutive modules, Module I from 8 to 12 July and Module II from 15 to 19 July. Module I was planned as an introduction to the statistic environment R and on its use for basic data handling and statistical analysis in preparation of fisheries studies. Module II focused on the R libraries in FLR (Fisheries Libraries in R) and their use for stock assessment.
07/2019 -
AdriaMed Study Group on on intercalibration of fish otolith reading (Solea solea) |
The AdriaMed Study Group on intercalibration of demersal fish otolith reading (SG-OTH-DEM) started to focus on Common sole (Solea solea) in 2018. In May 2018 the experts agreed on a roadmap to overcome some discrepancies on the ageing of Solea. According to the roadmap, in June 2019 a marginal analysis and marginal increment analysis was launched among all the research institutions involved. For the analysis a total of 442 specimens (Female 222; male 220) with Total Length included between 20 to 30.5 cm were analyzed and a common set of Solea solea was created and circulated among the experts. Preliminary results were presented at the 5th International Sclerochronology Conference (16-20th June 2019 Split, Croatia).
6-24/05/2019 -
Monitoring of Jabuka/Pomo Pit (Central Adriatic Sea, GSA 17) |
The Project is continuing to support scientific activities carried out in the Pomo/Jabuka Pits area on Nephrops norvegicus stocks. Under the cooperative framework of the Project, the Institute of Marine Biological Resources and Biotechnologies (CNR-IRBIM) of Ancona (Italy) in cooperation with the Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries of Split (Croatia), organized an evaluation survey on N. norvegicus stock in the Jabuka/Pomo pits area using the towed UnderWater TV (UWTV) methodology. The survey was carried out on 6-24 May 2019. The survey is one of the activities foreseen in the GFCM Monitoring plan (2018-2020) for the Jabuka/Pomo Pit FRA for the monitoring of the area.
16-17/04/2019 -
Rome -
AdriaMed-GFCM Meeting on data preparation for the benchmark of small pelagics in the Adriatic Sea - 2nd meeting |
The Project organized, in cooperation with the GFCM, the 2nd Meeting on data preparation for the benchmark of small pelagics in the Adriatic Sea. The meeting aimed at preparing the input data in view of the benchmark session on anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) and sardine (Sardina pilchardus) of the GFCM - Working Group of Stock Assessment of Small Pelagic Species (May 2019). During the meeting, the experts made further progresses to solve pending or unsolved issues before the benchmark.
7-10/04/2019 -
Kotor -
International Conference Adriatic Biodiversity Protection--AdriBioPro2019 |
The Project participated to the AdriBioPro2019--International Conference: Adriatic Biodiversity Protection. The Conference was organized by the Institute of Marine Biology, University of Montenegro on 7-10 April 2019. The Project contributed to the discussion by participating at the Panel discussion (P1): Setting the framework: Why Adriatic Biodiversity Matters? and three joint document submitted and published in the book of Abstract.
::Link to book of Abstract.
14-15/03/2019 -
Rome -
AdriaMed-GFCM Meeting on data preparation for the benchmark of small pelagics in the Adriatic Sea - 1st meeting |
The Project organized, in cooperation with the GFCM, the 1st Meeting on data preparation for the benchmark of small pelagics in the Adriatic Sea. The meeting aimed at preparing the input data in view of the benchmark session on anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) and sardine (Sardina pilchardus) of the GFCM - Working Group of Stock Assessment of Small Pelagic Species (May 2019). The meeting: i) defined some parameters and assumptions to be used for the benchmark assessment (ageing; growth parameters, potential models and time series); and ii) agreed on a time frame to solve possible pending or unsolved issues before the benchmark.
03/2019 -
Bottom Trawl -
Monitoring of Jabuka/Pomo Pit (Central Adriatic Sea, GSA 17) |
The project organized and supported the first joint winter bottom trawl survey in the Jabuka/Pomo Pit area (early March 2019). The survey is part of the monitoring plan for the Jabuka/Pomo Pit fisheries restricted area (FRA) defined by the SAC (20th session, June 2019) and adopted by the GFCM (42nd session, November 2019). The survey was carried out in collaboration with the Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries of Split (Croatia), the University of Bologna- of Marine Biology Laboratory of Fano (Italy), and GFCM Secretariat. The sampling at sea was carried out by the R/V Bios Dva (Croatia) and the M/P Andrea (Italy). Sampling stations (hauls) were performed according to the MEDITS protocol inside the FRA (no-take zone), and outside, in the buffer zone. Preliminary results were illustrated at the GFCM SubRegional Committee for the Adriatic Sea (April 2019).
30/10/2018 -
Rome -
AdriaMed Working Group on Small Pelagic Fisheries Resources |
The AdriaMed Working Group on Small Pelagic Fisheries Resources was held on 30 October 2018 at FAO-HQ, Rome, Italy. All the Project participating institutions (from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro Italy and Slovenia) were invited and attended the meeting. The work of the meeting was preparatory and functional for the next GFCM Working Group on Stock Assessment of Small Pelagic Species (19-23 November 2018) and for the GFCM benchmark assessment planned in 2019.
29-30/10/2018 -
Rome -
AdriaMed Study Group on on intercalibration of fish otolith reading (Solea solea) |
The AdriaMed Study Group on intercalibration of fish otolith reading (SG-DEM-OTH) was be held on 29-30 October 2018 at FAO-HQ, Rome, Italy. Representatives of participating institutions from Croatia, Montenegro Italy and Slovenia attended the meeting. The overall objective of the SG-OTH-DEM is the enhancement of the quality of biological data gathered from wild stocks and used in stock assessment (calculation of the age length keys) for the Adriatic Sea. The meeting focused on red mullet (Mullus barbatus) and Common sole (Solea solea). The Study Group finalized the intercalibration launched early 2018 on Mullus barbatus otoliths. With regards to Solea solea otoliths, the Study Group progressed on the roadmap agreed upon to define new common protocol and criteria for the ageing, and launched an otolith exchange reading exercise.
08-09/10/2018 -
Rome -
AdriaMed Working Group on Demersal Fishery Resources in the Adriatic Sea |
The AdriaMed Working Group on Demersal Fishery Resources in the Adriatic Sea (WG-DEM) was held on 8-9 October 2018 in FAO-HQs, Rome, Italy. Research participating institutions from Albania, Croatia, Montenegro Italy and Slovenia attended the meeting. The WG-DEM reviewed the outcomes of the i) Study Group on intercalibration of demersal fish otolith reading (Mullus barbatus andSolea solea); ii) Working Group on Small-Scale Fisheries (SSF); iii) Study Group on Jabuka/Pomo Pit; iv) Study Group on Demersal Fisheries Resources. The WG-DEM addressed the request from the GFCM-SAC to provide sub-regional stock assessment on priority species, by giving particular attention to the preparatory work in support of the GFCM benchmark assessment of European hake (Merluccius merluccius) planned for 2018.
13/09/2018 -
Split -
AdriaMed Working Group on Demersal Fishery Resources in the Adriatic Sea |
The AdriaMed Study Group on Demersal Fisheries Resources (SG-DEM) was held on 13th September 2018 kindly hosted by the Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries of Split (Croatia). The meeting was attended by scientists from the fisheries research institute of Albania, Croatia, Italy, Montenegro and Slovenia. The SG- DEM, inter alia, with its practical work, has been conceived to contribute to the discussion on the state of fish stocks during the AdriaMed Working Group on Demersal Fisheries Resources (WG-DEM). The SG-DEM focused on the preparatory work for the stock assessment of European hake (Merluccius merluccius) in the Adriatic Sea, in view of the latest adoption of the 20th -SAC workplan that foresees a benchmark assessment of hake in GSA 17- 18 in 2018. The outcomes of this SG-JP will be presented at the next Adriamed Working Group on Demersal Fisheries resources (October 2018).
12/09/2018 -
Split -
AdriaMed Study Group on Jabuka/Pomo Pit |
The AdriaMed Study Group on Jabuka/Pomo Pit and on spatial fisheries analysis (SG-JP) was held on 12th September 2018 kindly hosted by the Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries of Split (Croatia). The meeting was attended by representatives of the Fisheries Administrations. Fisheries Research Institutions, by a representative of the GFCM Secretariat, representatives of WWF, MedReact, MEDAC and fishers and by the AdriaMed Project staff. The SG-JP, inter alia, has been conceived to contribute to the recently adopted Recommendation GFCM/41/2017/3, on the establishment of a Fisheries Restricted Area in the Jabuka/Pomo Pit in the Adriatic Sea. The outcomes of the SG-JP held in February 2018 was recalled with reference to the monitoring plan (2018-2020) for the Jabuka/Pomo Pit recently endorsed by the 20th session of the Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) of the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM). The SG-JP progressed in implementation of the monitoring plan and future steps, like an additional winter trawl surveys to be carried out in the Jabuka/Pomo Pit area, were agreed upon. The outcomes of this SG-JP will be presented at the next Adriamed Working Group on Demersal Fisheries resources (October 2018).
08/2018 -
Adriatic Sea
Joint Trawl Survey in the South Adriatic Sea (Albania and Montenegro) |
A joint trawl survey on board of F/V MIZAR covering South Adriatic waters (GSA 18) was carried out in the eastern side of the South Adriatic Sea (Albania and Montenegro) as an extension of the MEDITS trawl survey carried out in Italy. The survey was organized with the support of the AdriaMed Project, in cooperation with COISPA (Italy), the University of Montenegro-Institute of Marine Biology of Kotor (Montenegro) and the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Water Administration of Albania. Data are processed and will be available for the next stock assessment exercise on selected target species.
12-13/07/2018 -
Rome -
AdriaMed Working Group on Small Scale Fisheries in the Adriatic Sea |
The AdriaMed Working Group on Small Scale Fisheries in the Adriatic Sea (WG-SSF) was held on 12-13 July 2018 GFCM-HQs, Italy.
Representatives of fisheries institutions from Albania, Croatia, Montenegro Italy and Slovenia attended the meeting. The WG focused on the revision of the activities carried out on invasive species as well as on small scale fisheries and recreational fisheries in the past year. The experts identified practical joint specific activities to be elaborated by the WG-SSF, inclusive of methodological approach, and to be implemented in the cooperative framework of the AdriaMed Project. The future activities include, inter alia, the publication of the maps of distribution of effort of small scale vessels, the continuation of monitoring of the occurrence of new species in the Adriatic Sea according to the Local Ecological Knowledge method, as well as a data collection programme, on a pilot scale, on Recreational Fisheries. In light of the forthcoming “GFCM High Level meeting on Small Scale Fisheries” (September 2018), the participants agreed on the contribution that the Working Group will bring to the meeting.
24-25/05/2018 -
Torre a Mare (BA) -
AdriaMed Study Group on on intercalibration of fish otolith reading (Mullus barbatus and Solea solea) |
The AdriaMed Study Group on intercalibration of fish otolith reading (SG-DEM-OTH) was held on 24-25 May 2018 kindly hosted by the COISPA, Torre a Mare (BA), Italy. Representatives of participating institutions (from Croatia, Montenegro Italy and Slovenia) attended the meeting. The meeting, focused on red mullet ((Mullus barbatus) and sole (Solea solea). With regards to Mullus barbatus otoliths, the participants initiated to revise the ageing scheme and criteria and planned the next reading exercises to finalize the intercalibration and find a common agreement. With regards to Solea solea otoliths, the participants agreed on a roadmap that includes a marginal otolith increment analysis, the definition of a new common protocol and criteria for the ageing, together with reading exercises.
The overall objectives of the SG-OTH-DEM is the enhancement of the quality of biological data gathered from wild stocks and used in stock assessment (calculation of the age length keys) for the Adriatic Sea.
22-23/02/2018 -
Rome -
AdriaMed Study Group on Jabuka/Pomo Pit and on spatial fisheries analysis |
The AdriaMed Study Group on Jabuka/Pomo Pit and on spatial fisheries analysis (SG-JP) was held on 22nd – 23rd February 2018 at FAO-HQs. The meeting was attended by representatives of the Fisheries Administrations and Fisheries Research Institutions from Croatia and Italy, by a representative of the GFCM Secretariat, representatives of MedReact, MEDAC and fishers and by the AdriaMed Project staff. The SG-JP was meant to foster the informal debate among scientists, administrations and stakeholders in order to have specific inputs for future management strategies in the area. The SG-JP was aimed at facilitating: i) the coordination of the scientific activities of monitoring demersal resources in the area as surveys at sea; ii) the debate on monitoring issues regarding fishing activities; iii) the coordination of stock assessment activities on hake (Merluccius merluccius) and Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus). A short term workplan was agreed upon. The outcomes of this SG-JP shall be presented at the next GFCM SubRegional Coordination meeting for the Adriatic Sea (April 2018).
20-21/02/2018 -
Rome -
AdriaMed/MedReAct Workshop "Essential Fish Habitats and Sensitive Habitats of the Adriatic Sea: state of knowledge and conservation opportunities” |
The AdriaMed/MedReAct Workshop "Essential Fish Habitats and Sensitive Habitats of the Adriatic Sea: state of knowledge and conservation opportunities” (WS-EFH) was held on 20 -21 February 2018 at FAO-HQs. The meeting was jointly organized by AdriaMed and MedReAct. The institutions participating in the Project (from Croatia, Slovenia, Italy, Montenegro), representatives of GFCM, MedReAct, Oceana and WWF participated in the workshop. The WS-EFH focused on the: i) Identification of knowledge gaps in the Adriatic Sea and possible way to overcome these; ii) identification of possible sensitive habitats for selected species or any other habitat of high biodiversity importance potentially impacted by fisheries activities which may require special protection in the Adriatic Sea; iii) definition of a roadmap to support the GFCM SAC in the definition of a network of essential fish habitats and sensitive habitats for the Adriatic Sea as per Resolution GFCM/41/2017/5. The outcomes of this WS-EFH shall be presented at the next GFCM Working Group on VME (February 2018) and at the SubRegional Coordination meeting for the Adriatic Sea (April 2018).
9-10/01/2018 -
Rome -
AdriaMed Study Group on intercalibration of anchovy otolith reading and revision of criteria in the Adriatic Sea |
The AdriaMed Study Group on inter-calibration of fish otolith reading (SG-OTH) was held at FAO-HQ, Rome, Italy on 9-10 January 2018. The meeting was attended by researchers from the Adriatic fisheries research institutes involved in Project activities from, Croatia, Italy, Montenegro and Slovenia, as well as staff of FAO AdriaMed Project. The meeting was the fourth of a series of SG-OTH meetings aimed at the standardization of the ageing protocol and the definition of common criteria for anchovy otolith reading. The SG-OTH agreed on common criteria, protocol to follow and to adopt as birthdate the 1st January. The outcomes of this SG-OTH shall be presented at the next GFCM SubRegional Coordination meeting for the Adriatic Sea planned in April 2018.
13-14/12/2017 -
Rome -
AdriaMed Working Group on fisheries socio-economics in the Adriatic Sea |
The AdriaMed Working Group on fisheries socio-economics in the Adriatic Sea (WG-SEC) was held at the FAO-HQ, Rome on the 13th–14th December 2017. The meeting was attended by representatives of the Fisheries Administrations and Fisheries Research Institutions from Albania, Croatia, Italy, Montenegro and Slovenia. The Working Group was aimed at supporting discussion on fisheries management in the Adriatic, by including socio-economic aspects besides the work carried out on fishery biology in the Adriatic Sea. This was the first meeting of the Working Group. The meeting achieved to: 1) overview the fisheries socio-economic data collection in the Adriatic region through the comparison of the data collection systems in place in the countries; 2) identify possible joint analysis and data modelling for the socio-economic characterization of the Adriatic Sea small pelagic fisheries; 3) define tentative work plan for the implementation of economic analysis in the short- and long- term on the small pelagic fisheries case study.
24-25/10/2017 -
Rome -
AdriaMed Working Group on Demersal Fishery Resources in the Adriatic Sea |
The AdriaMed Working Group on Demersal Fishery Resources in the Adriatic Sea (WG-DEM) was held on 24-25 October 2017 in FAO-HQs, Rome, Italy.
All the Project participating institutions (from Albania, Croatia, Montenegro Italy, Slovenia and Bosnia-Herzegovina) was attended the meeting. The WG-DEM was focused on: i) Identifying priorities and needs for the Adriatic region; ii) Facilitating the coordination at Adriatic level of different research activities; iii) Addressing the request from the GFCM-SAC to provide sub-regional stock assessment on priority species; iv) Fostering technical discussion on fisheries management plans at Adriatic level, with particular focus on the Jabuka/Pomo Pit area.
10/2017 -
Adriatic Sea
Joint Trawl Survey in the South Adriatic Sea (Albania and Montenegro) |
A joint trawl survey on board of F/V Pasquale e Cristina covering South Adriatic waters (GSA 18) was carried out in the eastern side of the South Adriatic Sea (Albania and Montenegro) as an extension of the MEDITS trawl survey carried out in Italy. The survey was organized with the support of the AdriaMed Project, in cooperation with COISPA (Italy), the University of Montenegro-Institute of Marine Biology of Kotor (Montenegro) and the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Water Administration of Albania. Data are processed and made available for the next stock assessment exercise on selected target species.
12/06-19/07/2017 -
Adriatic Sea -
Joint acoustic and ichthyoplankton survey on board of the R/V “Dallaporta” |
A joint acoustic and ichthyoplankton survey on board of the R/V “Dallaporta” covering Adriatic waters (GSA18) was carried out. The survey was organized with the support of the AdriaMed Project, in cooperation with CNR-ISMAR Ancona (Italy), the Institute of Marine Biology of Kotor (Montenegro) and the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Water Administration of Albania. The acoustic survey was performed in line with the EU MEDIAS protocol. Theoretical and on-board training activities on acoustic survey and DEPM methods were carried out for national staff from Albania, Italy and Montenegro. Due to bad weather conditions the survey did not covered Albania.
5-6/06/2017 -
Ancona -
AdriaMed Study Group on intercalibration of fish otolith age reading |
The AdriaMed Study Group on intercalibration of fish otolith reading (SG-OTH) was held on 17-19 January 2017 in FAO-HQs, Italy. All the Project participating institutions (from Albania, Croatia, Montenegro Italy and Slovenia) attended the meeting. The meeting, focused on anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) and saw the participation of an international senior expert on the subject. The participants completed the work initiated in July 2016 in Croatia and agreed on new criteria for anchovy otolith reading. The SG-OTH initiate an intercalibration exercise, with otoliths exchange, that will culminate in few months with the adoption of a new reference Age Length Keys for anchovy.
30-31/01/2017 -
Rome -
AdriaMed Working Group on Small Scale Fisheries in the Adriatic Sea |
All the Project participating institutions (from Albania, Croatia, Montenegro Italy and Slovenia) attended the meeting, including experts from Bosnia and Herzegovina. The WG-SSF focused on the activities carried out in the past years in the Adriatic Sea on invasive species and on small scale fisheries. The experts identified joint activities to be elaborated by the WG-SSF, inclusive of methodological approach, to be implemented in the cooperative framework of the AdriaMed Project. The joint activities included, inter alia, the monitoring of the occurrence of new species in the Adriatic Sea, the mapping of SSF activities, an overview of the current situation of Recreational Fisheries in the Adriatic region. In the View of the forthcoming “GFCM Working Group on Small Scale Fisheries and Recreational Fisheries” (September 2017), the participants agreed on the contribution that the WG-SSF could provide to the working group.
17-19/01/2017 -
Rome -
AdriaMed Study Group on the intercalibration of fish otolith age reading |
The AdriaMed Study Group on intercalibration of fish otolith reading (SG-OTH) was held on 17-19 January 2017 in FAO-HQs, Italy. All the Project participating institutions (from Albania, Croatia, Montenegro Italy and Slovenia) attended the meeting. The meeting, focused on anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) and saw the participation of an international senior expert on the subject. The participants completed the work initiated in July 2016 in Croatia and agreed on new criteria for anchovy otolith reading. The SG-OTH initiate an intercalibration exercise, with otoliths exchange, that will culminate in few months with the adoption of a new reference Age Length Keys for anchovy.
19-20/10/2016 -
Rome -
AdriaMed Working Group on Demersal Fishery Resources in the Adriatic Sea |
The AdriaMed Working Group on Demersal Fishery Resources in the Adriatic Sea (WG-DEM) was held on 19-20 October 2016 in FAO-HQs, Rome, Italy. All the Project participating institutions (from Albania, Croatia, Montenegro Italy, Slovenia and Bosnia-Herzegovina) was attended the meeting. The WG-DEM was focused on: i) Identifying priorities and needs for the Adriatic region; ii) Facilitating the coordination at Adriatic level of different data collection requirements; iii) Addressing the request from the GFCM-SAC to provide sub-regional stock assessment on priority species; iv) Fostering technical discussion on fisheries management plans at Adriatic level; v) Initiate discussion on Recreational Fisheries.
4-6/10/2016 -
Split -
AdriaMed Working Group on Small Pelagic Fisheries Resources |
The AdriaMed Working Group on Small Pelagic Fisheries Resources was held from 4th to 6th October 2016 kindly hosted by the Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries of Split, Croatia. All the Project participating institutions (from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, Italy and Slovenia) was attended the meeting.
The agenda items was focused on: i) the research activities (surveys, studies, projects, programmes) in the Adriatic Sea; ii) the work carried out by the Study Group on intercalibration of fish otolith reading (SG-OTH); iii) the coordination at Adriatic level of different data-collection requirements; iv) the appraisal of the stock status of small pelagic fisheries resources; v) the relevant issues from the GFCM-SAC work plan; vi) the identification and review of priorities and needs for the Adriatic region and proposals for specific activities to be implemented within AdriaMed framework.
::Provisional Agenda
19-21/07/2016 -
Split -
AdriaMed Study Group on the intercalibration of fish otolith age reading |
The AdriaMed Study Group on intercalibration of fish otolith reading (SG-OTH) was held on 19-21 July 2016 kindly hosted by the institute of Oceanography and Fisheries of Split, Croatia. All the Project participating institutions (from Albania, Croatia, Montenegro Italy and Slovenia) attended the meeting. The meeting, focused on anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) and saw the participation of an international senior expert on the subject. The participants initiated to revise the criteria for anchovy otolith reading. Decision was taken to organize a second SG-OTH meeting to finalize the work initiated and define standardised otolith reading criteria.
11-12/11/2015 -
Ljubljana -
AdriaMed Working Group on Demersal Fishery Resources in the Adriatic Sea |
The AdriaMed Working Group on Demersal Fishery Resources in the Adriatic Sea (WG-DEM) was held on 11-12 November 2015 Ljubljana, Slovenia kindly hosted by the Fisheries Research Institute of Slovenia.
All the Project participating institutions (from Albania, Croatia, Montenegro Italy and Slovenia) was attended the meeting. The WG-DEM was focused on: i) Identifying priorities and needs for the Adriatic region; ii) Facilitating the coordination at Adriatic level of different data collection requirements; iii) Addressing the request from the GFCM-SAC to provide sub-regional stock assessment on priority species; iv) Fostering technical discussion on fisheries management plans at Adriatic level. During the WG, the results of the Study Groups on GSA 17 (North and Central Adriatic) and GSA18 (South Adriatic Sea) was presented and discussed.
28/09-02/10/2015 -
Kotor -
AdriaMed Working Group on Small Pelagic Fisheries Resources |
The AdriaMed Working Group on Small Pelagic Fisheries Resources was held from 28th September to 2nd October 2015 kindly hosted by the Institute of Marine Biology of Kotor, Montenegro. All the Project participating institutions (from Albania, Croatia, Montenegro Italy and Slovenia) was attended the meeting. The meeting was organized in two sessions: working session (hands-on session to progress and finalize the stock assessment initiated in the WG-SP meeting in July 2015) and session 2 to review the research activities, programmes and activities carried out at Adriatic level, to identify and review the priorities and needs and to formulate proposal for future activities. The outcomes of the session 1 of the Working Group on Small Pelagic Fisheries Resources held in Split, Croatia, 14-16 July 2015, was presented and used as basis to finalize the stock assessment exercise initiated in Split.
14-16/07/2015 -
Split -
AdriaMed Working Group on Small Pelagic Fisheries Resources |
The AdriaMed Working Group on Small Pelagic Fisheries Resources was held on 14-16 July 2015 kindly hosted by the Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries of Split (Croatia). All the Project participating institutions (from Albania, Croatia, Montenegro Italy and Slovenia) attended the meeting. The meeting, a hands-on session, focused on the revision of the database on small pelagics in the Adriatic Sea. The revision work was done at national level: each country checked and consolidated a final dataset for both anchovy and sardine. All the revised national datasets were put together in the Adriatic dataset on small pelagics.
16-17/12/2014 -
Split -
AdriaMed Working Group on Small Scale Fisheries in the Adriatic Sea |
The AdriaMed Working Group on Small Scale Fisheries in the Adriatic Sea (WG-SSF) was held on 16-17 December 2014 in Split, Croatia kindly hosted by the Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries of Split.
All the Project participating institutions (from Albania, Croatia, Montenegro Italy and Slovenia) was attended the meeting. The WG was focused on the revision of the priorities identified by the AdriaMed Technical meeting on Small Scale Fisheries held in October 2013 in Kotor (Montenegro). Consideration was given to the identification of practical formulation of joint specific activities to be elaborated by the WG-SSF, inclusive of methodological approach, to be implemented in the cooperative framework of the AdriaMed Project. In light of the forthcoming “Second Regional Symposium on Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the Mediterranean and Black Sea” (Algeria, May 2015) fostered by GFCM, the participants was called to discuss on the contribution that the Working Group could provide to the symposium.
7-9/10/2014 -
Rome -
AdriaMed Working Group on Demersal Fishery Resources in the Adriatic Sea |
The AdriaMed Working Group on Demersal Fishery Resources in the Adriatic Sea (WG-DEM) was held on 7-9 October 2014 in FAO-HQs, Rome, Italy. All the Project participating institutions (from Albania, Croatia, Montenegro Italy and Slovenia) was attended the meeting. The WG-DEM was organised over three days and was focused on: i) Identifying priorities and needs for the Adriatic region; ii) Facilitating the coordination at Adriatic level of different data collection requirements; iii) Addressing the request from the GFCM-SAC to provide sub-regional stock assessment on priority species; iv) Fostering technical discussion on fisheries management plans at Adriatic level; v) Promoting discussion on the effects of management measures on the fisheries resources (e.g. fishing ban); vi) Facilitating the discussion for the development of indicators and reference points for fisheries management which may be considered at regional level in line with the EC Marine Strategy Framework Directive in the Adriatic Sea; and vii) Identifying training needs. During the WG, the results of the Study Groups on GSA 18 and GSA 17 was discussed and joint analysis of data is foreseen.
30/09-03/10 2014 -
Rome -
AdriaMed Working Group on Small Pelagic Fisheries Resources |
The AdriaMed Working Group on Small Pelagic Fisheries Resources was held on 30 September-3 October 2014 in FAO-HQs, Rome, Italy. All the Project participating institutions (from Albania, Croatia, Montenegro Italy and Slovenia) was attended the meeting. The agenda items was focused on: i) Identify priorities and needs for the Adriatic region; ii) Coordinate and organize joint surveys; iii) Facilitate the coordination at Adriatic level of different data-collection requirements; iv) Address the request from the GFCM-SAC to provide sub-regional stock assessment on priority species; v) Review the work carried out by the Study Group on DEPM (SG-DEPM); vi) Review the work carried out by the Study Group on intercalibration of fish otolith reading (SG-OTH); vii) Foster the technical discussion on fisheries management plans at Adriatic level. The Working Group (WG) initiated a joint exercise for the stock assessment of sardine and anchovy by jointly analyzing the data on small pelagics made available by all the Adriatic researchers. Research priorities and training needs was identified and a workplan for the future year was defined.
22-26/09/2014 -
Torre a Mare - BA -
AdriaMed Study Group on the use of bottom-trawl survey data for stock assessment in South Adriatic Sea (GSA 18) |
The AdriaMed Study Group for the application of bottom-trawl survey data to fish stock assessment in South Adriatic Sea (GSA 18) was held on 22-26 September 2014 in Torre a Mare (BA), (Italy) kindly hosted by the COISPA Tecnologia & Ricerca.
Scientists from the AdriaMed participating institutions in the South Adriatic Sea (Albania, Italy and Montenegro) was attended the meeting. Stock assessment models was applied and data were jointly analyzed for case studies in GSA 18 to be identified by the experts (e.g. Merluccius merluccius, Parapenaeus longirostris).
23-25/10/2013 -
Kotor -
AdriaMed Working Group on Demersal Fishery Resources in the Adriatic Sea |
The AdriaMed Working Group on Demersal Fishery Resources in the Adriatic Sea (WG-DEM) was held on 23-25 October 2013 in Kotor (Montenegro) kindly hosted by the Institute of Marine Biology of Kotor.
All the Project participating institutions (from Albania, Croatia, Montenegro Italy and Slovenia) was attend the meeting. The WG-DEM was organised over three days and was focused on the revision of the: i) knowledge and information on demersal stocks in the subregion; ii) work carried out by the “Study Group on the use of bottom-trawl survey data for stock assessment in the South Adriatic Sea (GSA18)”; iii) and the joint appraisal of some selected demersal species. The WG-DEM was also continued to discuss the issue of indicators and reference points at sub-regional level, also considering EC Marine Strategy Framework Directive. Attention was paid to the activities related to the GFCM-SAC requests.
21-22/10/2013 -
Kotor -
AdriaMed Working Group on Small Scale Fisheries in the Adriatic Sea |
The AdriaMed Working Group on Small Scale Fisheries in the Adriatic Sea (WG-DEM) was held on 21-22 October 2013 in Kotor (Montenegro) kindly hosted by the Institute of Marine Biology of Kotor. All the Project participating institutions (from Albania, Croatia, Montenegro Italy and Slovenia) attended the meeting. The WG focused on the revision of the priorities identified by the AdriaMed Technical meeting on Small Scale Fisheries held in November 2012 in Split (Croatia). Consideration was given to the issues raised by the GFCM-SAC and CAQ for 2012-13 specifically referring to small scale fisheries and those actions/activities which may contribute to SAC/CAQ tasks was identified and agreed upon. In the light of the forthcoming “First Regional Symposium on Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the Mediterranean and Black Sea” (Malta, 27-30 November 2013) organized by GFCM, the participants were called to discuss on the contribution that the Working Group could provide to the symposium.
14-18/10/2013 -
Durrës -
AdriaMed Working Group on Small Pelagic Fisheries Resources |
The AdriaMed Working Group on Small Pelagic Fisheries Resources was held on 14-18 October 2013 in Durrës (Albania) kindly hosted by the Laboratory of Fisheries and Aquaculture of Durrës (Agricultural University of Tirana, Albania). All the Project participating institutions (from Albania, Croatia, Montenegro Italy and Slovenia) was attended the meeting: it was organized in different session. One working session was devoted to discuss the progress of the Study Group on intercalibration of fish otolith reading (SG-OTH) and the intercalibration exercise initiated do far by the Adriatic experts on sardine otoliths. A second session was devoted to review the work carried out by the Study Group on Daily Egg Production Method (DEPM) on the revision of the DEPM protocol and the evaluation of spawning biomass for anchovy. Particular attention was given to the request made by the GFCM SAC to provide sub-regional stock assessment on priority species. The Working Group (WG) initiated a joint exercise for the stock assessment of sardine and anchovy by jointly analyzing the data on small pelagics made available by all the Adriatic researchers. Research priorities and training needs was identified and a workplan for the future year was defined.
30/09-04/10 2013 -
Torre a Mare - BA -
AdriaMed Study Group on the use of bottom-trawl survey data for stock assessment in South Adriatic Sea (GSA 18) |
he AdriaMed Study Group for the application of bottom-trawl survey data to fish stock assessment in South Adriatic Sea (GSA 18) was held on 30 September -4 October 2013 in Torre a Mare (BA), (Italy) kindly hosted by the COISPA Ricerca &Tecnologia.
Scientists from the AdriaMed participating institutions in the South Adriatic Sea (Albania, Italy and Montenegro) was attended the meeting. Stock assessment models was applied and data were jointly analyzed for case studies in GSA 18 to be identified by the experts (e.g.. Merluccius merluccius).
13-14/11/2012 -
Split -
The AdriaMed Working Group on Adriatic Sea Small-Scale Fisheries |
The AdriaMed Working Group on Adriatic Sea Small-Scale Fisheries was held on 13-14 November 2012 in Split (Croatia), kindly hosted by the Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries of Split.
The meeting was aimed at: 1) reviewing the Current knowledge and status of small-scale fisheries (SSF) in Adriatic countries, and the Existing monitoring systems for or programmes focussing on SSF; 2) identify the SSF exploitation dynamics and interaction with other fisheries; 3) identify the Main gaps and priorities concerning SSF and their management; 3) at outlining of a possible joint work-programme to be implemented at regional level in the Adriatic. The WG was open to experts from institutes and/or organizations in the countries involved in the AdriaMed project. Each country provided a national report for discussion.
1-5/10/2012 -
Ljubljana -
The AdriaMed Working Group on Small Pelagic Fishery Resources in the Adriatic Sea |
The AdriaMed Working Group on Small Pelagic Fisheries Resources was held on 1-5 October 2012 in Ljubljana (Slovenia), kindly hosted by the Fisheries Research Institute of Slovenia.
The meeting was organised in two different sessions. The first session was focused on the work of the Study Group on DEPM and to proceed with the joint appraisal of eggs and larvae data (survey 2012).
The Working Group was focused then on the appraisal of small pelagic stocks in the Adriatic Sea. The programmes underway and the priorities for the participating countries was reviewed. Activities related to the GFCM-SAC requests was also discussed. The training needs and other joint specific activities to be elaborated and implemented in the cooperative framework of AdriaMed was addressed.
17-19/09/2012 -
Fano -
AdriaMed Working Group on Demersal Fishery Resources in the Adriatic Sea |
The AdriaMed Working Group on Demersal Fishery Resources in the Adriatic Sea was held on 17 - 19 September 2012 in Fano (Italy) kindly hosted by the Laboratory of Marine Biology of Fano (University of Bologna).
The meeting was organised over three days and was focused on topics related to the demersal fisheries resources in the Adriatic Sea, in particular: i) knowledge and information on demersal stocks will be reviewed; ii) the further development of the AdriaMed Trawl Surveys Information System (ATrIS) was be considered and iii) specific activities implemented or to be implemented within the AdriaMed framework was identified. In addition, the results of the AdriaMed “Study Group on the use of bottom-trawl survey data for stock assessment in the South Adriatic Sea (GSA18)” and the appraisal of some selected demersal species in GSA 17 was discussed and agreed on.
The WG was continued to discuss the issue of indicators and reference points at sub-regional level, also considering EC Marine Strategy Framework Directive. Attention was paid to the activities related to the GFCM-SAC requests. The meeting was attended by experts from all the research institutes that are participating in the Project’s activities on demersal fishery resources.
3-7/09/2012 -
Torre a Mare - BA -
AdriaMed Study Group on the use of bottom-trawl survey data for stock assessment in South Adriatic Sea (GSA 18) |
The AdriaMed Study Group for the application of bottom-trawl survey data to fish stock assessment in South Adriatic Sea (GSA 18) was held on 3-7 September 2012 in Torre a Mare (BA), (Italy) kindly hosted by the COISPA Ricerca &Tecnologia.
Scientists from the AdriaMed participating institutions in the South Adriatic Sea (Albania, Italy and Montenegro) was attended the meeting. Stock assessment models waere dealt with and data were jointly analyzed for case studies in GSA 18 to be identified by the experts (e.g. Merluccius merluccius).
16/07-13/08/2012 -
Adriatic Sea -
A joint acoustic and ichthyoplankton survey |
A joint acoustic and ichthyoplankton survey is being carried out using R/V “Dalla Porta” covering the South Adriatic Sea (GSA18) from 16 July to 13 August 2012. The surveys were organized in the framework of the AdriaMed Project in cooperation with the CNR - Istituto Scienze Marine (ISMAR) of Ancona, the Institute of Marine Biology of Kotor (Montenegro) and the Laboratory of Fisheries and Aquaculture of the Agricultural University of Tirana (Albania). The acoustic survey is being performed following the MEDIAS Protocol.
Theoretical and on-the-job training activities is being carried out during the survey for national staff from Italy, Albania and Montenegro. Data will be jointly processed and analysed in the following months in the framework of the AdriaMed Working Group of Small Pelagic Fisheries Resources.
--/07/2012 -
Adriatic Sea -
Extension to the eastern waters of the South Adriatic Sea (GSA18) of the MEDITS trawl survey |
In July 2012 the Project supported the extension to the eastern waters of the South Adriatic Sea (GSA18) of the MEDITS trawl survey. The activity, carried out in the framework of the AdriaMed component on demersal fisheries resources, has been performed in cooperation with the COISPA Tecnologia & Ricerca (Italy), the Institute of Marine Biology of Kotor (Montenegro) and the Laboratory of Fisheries and Aquaculture of the Agricultural University of Tirana (Albania).
A total of 22 sampling stations in Montenegro and 20 sampling stations in Albania were performed. On-the-job training on the sampling procedure and species identification was carried out for the young staff from Albania on board. The survey data will be processed and analysed in the following months.
6-8/06/2012 -
Ancona -
AdriaMed Study Group on Daily Egg Production Method (DEPM) for the appraisal of small pelagic fisheries resources in the Adriatic Sea |
The AdriaMed Study Group on Daily Egg Production Method (DEPM) was held from 6-8 June 2012 in Ancona (Italy) kindly hosted by the ISMAR-CNR of Ancona. Experts from all the Project participating institutions (Albania, Croatia, Montenegro Italy and Slovenia) attended the meeting. The Study Group was aimed to address issues related to the protocol to apply the DEPM in the Adriatic region. In particular, the following issues were discussed: i) the complete protocol for sampling at sea; ii) the methodology for ageing the postovulatory follicles (POFs) in histological sections of anchovy ovaries. The Study Group agreed on a common protocol to be used at sea in the next AdriaMed survey (July 2012) and on common steps to be performed when sorting the samples. To contribute to the discussion, two senior experts on the use of DEPM, from the Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR, Heraklion, Greece) and Instituto de Ciencias del Mar -CSIC (Barcelona, Spain), were invited to the meeting.
4-5/06/2012 -
Ancona -
AdriaMed Study Group on the intercalibration of anchovy otolith age reading |
The AdriaMed Study Group on intercalibration of anchovy otolith reading was held on 4 and 5 June 2012 in Ancona (Italy) kindly hosted by the ISMAR-CNR of Ancona.
Experts from all the Project participating institutions (Albania, Croatia, Montenegro Italy and Slovenia) attended the meeting. The main objective were: i) to standardize the methodology for ageing anchovy through otolith reading, and ii) to create standard age-reading criteria for anchovy in the Adriatic region. Common criteria were identified, listed and agreed on. The experts concurred on the need to repeat the intercalibration of otolith reading on regular base (including also age validation exercises by daily rings analysis) and to regularly organize exchanges of otoliths images among the Adriatic Research institutions. Therefore a proposal to organize in the framework of the AdriaMed Project a reading intercalibration exercise with otolith exchanges in the next twelve months will be presented at the next Project Coordination Committee.
10-13/01/2012 -
Split -
AdriaMed Study Group on Daily Egg Production Method (DEPM) for the appraisal of small pelagic fisheries resources in the Adriatic Sea |
The AdriaMed Study Group on Daily Egg Production Method (DEPM) was held from 10-13 January 2012 in Split (Croatia) kindly hosted by the Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries of Split.
The meeting was organised over four days with practical sessions for the sorting of anchovy eggs and determination of embryonic stages of development; examination of maturity stages in adults and of histological preparations. The Study Group also discussed the methodology for the ageing of the postovulatory follicles (POFs) to estimate the spawning fraction in DEPM and the problems related to the estimation of effects of temperature (e.g. temperature dependent model for anchovy egg development). The Participants identified a series of specific activities to be carried out within the framework of the Project in the coming period to progress towards the estimation of anchovy biomass for 2011. The meeting was attended by experts from Albania, Croatia, Montenegro, Italy and Slovenia.
3-6/10/2011 -
Durrës -
The AdriaMed Working Group on Demersal Fishery Resources in the Adriatic Sea |
The AdriaMed Working Group on Demersal Fishery Resources in the Adriatic Sea was held on 3 - 6 October 2011 in Durrës (Albania) kindly hosted by the Laboratory of Fisheries and Aquaculture of Dürres (Agricultural University of Tirana).
The meeting was organised over four days with a pre-session in order to finalize, review and discuss the work which began during the AdriaMed “Study Group for the application of bottom-trawl survey data to fish stock assessment in the South Adriatic Sea (GSA18)” for presentation in the context of the Working Group meeting.
The Working Group participants presented the results of the surveys carried out in 2010/2011, the WG also focused on the appraisal and stock assessment (standard and alternative methods) of demersal stocks and the results obtained to date. The programmes underway were reviewed and the work carried out by the AdriaMed Study Group on GSA 18 was presented. The WG further discussed the issue of indicators and reference points that could be considered at regional level, also considering EC Marine Strategy Framework Directive. Attention was paid to the activities related to the GFCM-SAC requests. The Participants established the joint, specific activities to be carried out within the framework of the Project in the coming period.
The meeting was attended by experts from all the research institutes that are participating in the Project’s activities on demersal fishery resources.
27-30/09/2011 -
Ancona -
The AdriaMed Working Group on Small Pelagic Fishery Resources in the Adriatic Sea |
The AdriaMed Working Group on Small Pelagic Fisheries Resources was held from 27 to 30 September 2011 in Ancona (Italy) kindly hosted by the Institute CNR - Istituto Scienze Marine (ISMAR) of Ancona.
A working-training session began the Working Group meeting, in which updated data on small pelagic fish stocks were analysed and stock assessment methods were applied. The preliminary results were discussed by the experts present from all the institutions which participate in the Project activities on small pelagic resources (Albania, Croatia, Montenegro Italy and Slovenia)
The results of the surveys carried out in 2011 were presented (echosurveys in GSA 17 and GSA 18; DEPM in GSA 18). The WG discussed Progress on data collection and the establishment of a Common Database.
Activities related to the GFCM-SAC requests were also discussed and the needs for training as well as other joint, specific activities to be elaborated and implemented in the cooperative framework of AdriaMed were established.
18-22/07/2011 -
Torre a Mare - BA -
AdriaMed Study Group for the application of bottom-trawl survey data to fish stock assessment in South Adriatic Sea (GSA 18) |
The AdriaMed Study Group for the application of bottom-trawl survey data to fish stock assessment in South Adriatic Sea (GSA 18) was held from 18 to 22 July in Torre a Mare (BA), (Italy) kindly hosted by the COISPA Ricerca&Tecnologia. Scientists from the AdriaMed participating institutions (Albania, Italy and Montenegro) in the South Adriatic Sea was attended the meeting. The Study Group was organized in several modules, with theoretical and practical sessions. Different stock assessment models was dealt with and data was jointly analyzed for a case study on hake (Merluccius merluccius) in GSA 18.
17/07-05/08/2011 -
Adriatic Sea -
Joint acoustic and ichthyoplankton survey |
A joint acoustic and ichthyoplankton survey has been carried out using R/V “Dalla Porta” covering the South Adriatic Sea (GSA18) from 17 July to 5 August. The surveys were organized in the framework of the AdriaMed Project in cooperation with the CNR - Istituto Scienze Marine (ISMAR) of Ancona, and the collaboration of the Institute of Marine Biology of Kotor (Montenegro) and the Laboratory of Fisheries and Aquaculture of the Agricultural University of Tirana (Albania). The acoustic survey has been performed following the MEDIAS Protocol.
Taking this opportunity, theoretical and onboard training activities has be carried out during the survey for national staff from Italy, Albania and Montenegro. In total, acoustic data were logged over around 600 nautical miles; 19 pelagic trawls were performed in the study area together with 68 CTD&DEPM stations. Data will be jointly processed and analysed in the following months in the framework of the AdriaMed Working Group of Small Pelagic Fisheries Resources.
--/07/2011 -
Adriatic Sea -
Extension to the eastern waters of the South Adriatic Sea (GSA18) of the MEDITS trawl survey |
The Project supported the extension to the eastern waters of the South Adriatic Sea (GSA18) of the MEDITS trawl survey in July 2011. The activity, carried out in the framework of the AdriaMed component on demersal fisheries resources, has been performed in cooperation with the COISPA Tecnologia &Ricerca (Italy), the Institute of Marine Biology of Kotor (Montenegro) and the Laboratory of Fisheries and Aquaculture of the Agricultural University of Tirana (Albania).
A total of 22 sampling stations covering Montenegro and 10 sampling stations covering Albania were performed. On-the-job training on the sampling procedure and species identification was carried out for the young staff from Albania on board. Data will be processed and analysed in the following months.
28-29/06/2011 -
Split -
AdriaMed Workshop on intercalibration of sardine otolith reading |
The AdriaMed Workshop on intercalibration of sardine otolith reading was held on 28 and 29 June 2011 in Split (Croatia) kindly hosted by the Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries (IOF) of Split.
Experts from all the Project participating institutions (Albania, Croatia, Montenegro Italy and Slovenia) attended the meeting. The main objective was to standardize small pelagic fish ageing methodology and to create standard age-reading criteria. Common criteria were identified, listed and agreed on. The experts concurred on the need to repeat the intercalibration of otolith reading on regular base (including also age validation exercises by daily rings analysis) and to regularly organize exchanges of otoliths images among the Adriatic Research institutions. Therefore a proposal to organize in the framework of the AdriaMed Project a reading intercalibration exercise with otolith exchanges in the next twelve months will be presented at the next Project Coordination Committee.
16-20/05/2011 -
Ancona -
Technical meeting on SOLEMON survey activities |
A technical meeting on SOLEMON survey activities was held in Ancona, Italy from 16th to 20th May 2011 with the participation of experts from research institutes of Croatia (Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries of Split (IOF), Italy (CNR - Istituto Scienze Marine (ISMAR) of Ancona; Institute for Environmental Protection and Research, (ISPRA) Chioggia) and Slovenia Fisheries Research Institute of Slovenia. The Project is supporting, since 2005, the cooperation, in terms of technical advice, between the Institutes involved in the “Stock Assessment of Solea solea in the northern and central Adriatic Sea and evaluation of the impact of the different fishing activities” (SOLEMON) research programme.
During the meeting, analyses of the megabenthos samples collected during 2007 and 2009 surveys were carried out. A template of species fact sheets (including identification key, distribution maps, photo, ecological traits) to prepare an international atlas of benthic fish and epifauna collected during SoleMon survey was presented and discussed. The calendar for the next SOLEMON survey in November 2011 was prepared; a preliminary joint stock assessment and management advices was performed and drafted. The results of the assessments and possible follows up will be discussed during the forthcoming AdriaMed Working Group on Small Pleagic Fisheries Resources.
11-15/10/2010 -
Split -
The AdriaMed Working Group on Small Pelagic Fisheries Resources |
The AdriaMed Working Group on Small Pelagic Fisheries Resources was held from 11 to 15 October 2010 in Split (Croatia) kindly hosted by the Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries (IOF) of Split.
All the Project participating institutions (from Albania, Croatia, Montenegro Italy and Slovenia) was attended the meeting that was organized in a three-day working session. Particular attention was given to the joint assessment of small pelagics biomass applying the DEPM method for GSA 18, the joint exercise for the stock assessment of sardine and anchovy in GSA 17 and 18 and the discussion on the ongoing and future activities to be organized in the framework of the AdriaMed Project.
21-22/09/2010 -
Fano -
The AdriaMed Working Group on Demersal Fishery Resources in the Adriatic Sea |
The AdriaMed Working Group on Demersal Fishery Resources in the Adriatic Sea was held on 21-22 September 2010 in Fano (Italy) kindly hosted by the Laboratory of Marine Biology of Fano, University of Bologna.
The meeting will focus on the appraisal and stock assessment (standard and alternative methods) of demersal stocks and on indicators and reference points which may be considered at the regional level. In addition the demersal surveys in the Adriatic Sea (including the AdriaMed trawl survey) as well as the investigation in deep Adriatic Sea waters will be discussed. Attention will be paid to the activities related to the GFCM-SAC requests. Finally specific activities to be implemented within AdriaMed framework will be discussed like documents to be finalized or training needs to be identified. The meeting will be attended by experts from the Agricultural University of Tirana (Albania), the Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries of Split (Croatia), the Institute of Marine Biology of Kotor (Montenegro), the Fisheries Research Institute of Ljubljana (Slovenia), ISMAR-CNR of Ancona (Italy), COISPA (Italy) and the Laboratory of Marine Biology of Fano (Italy).
21-22/01/2010 -
Liubljana -
Workshop on Socio-Economic Data Collection for Fisheries Management |
The AdriaMed Workshop on Socio-Economic Data Collection for Fisheries Management was held on 21-22 January 2010 in Ljubljana (Slovenia), kindly hosted by the Fisheries Research Institute of Ljubljana (FRIS) and the Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Food of Slovenia.
The programme was very practical: in particular space was given to national case studies that highlighted the methodology used with the final objective to identify the main constraints and problems related to the fisheries data collection on socio-economic aspects in the area. The comparison of the data collection systems used in each country, as well as the evaluation of the quality control measures applied, helped to fully depict the situation in the Adriatic region. Attention was also given to address solutions to the common problem of replying to the several and different demands (by different bodies, e.g EC, GFCM, consistency with MedStat, etc...) of fisheries socio-economic data.
23-24/10/2009 -
Ancona -
The AdriaMed Working Group on Shared Small Pelagic Fishery Resources |
The AdriaMed Working Group on Small Pelagic Fisheries Resources was held on 23-24 October 2009 in Ancona (Italy) kindly hosted by the ISMAR-CNR of Ancona. All the Project participating institutions (from Albania, Croatia, Montenegro Italy and Slovenia) were attending the meeting: it was organized in a two-day working session to discuss the progress made on monitoring activities. Particular attention was given to the ongoing and future Project activities, the established AdriaMed Coordinating Team on Echo Survey; the involvement and cooperation with the MEDIAS programme; and the request made by the GFCM SAC to provide sub-regional stock assessment on priority species. The Working Group (WG) began a joint exercise for the stock assessment of sardine and anchovy by jointly analyzing the data on small pelagics made available by all the Adriatic researchers.
23-25/06/2009 -
Split -
The AdriaMed Working Group on Shared Demersal Fishery Resources in the Adriatic Sea |
The AdriaMed Working Group on Shared Demersal Fishery Resources in the Adriatic Sea was held from 23 to25 June 2009 in Split (Croatia) kindly hosted by the Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries of Split.
The main objectives of the meeting were focused on topics related to the demersal fisheries resources in the Adriatic Sea; in particular paying attention to the request from the GFCM-SAC to provide joint stock assessment of hake (Merluccius merluccius) and associated species, on the AdriaMed investigation in deep sea waters of South Adriatic Sea, on the updating of the list of priority species in the Adriatic Sea and on the AdriaMed international bottom trawl survey. The meeting was organized in a two-day working session to apply the Survey Based Assessment (SURBA) method to the data made available by the Adriatic researchers for the stock assessment of hake and associated species and a third day aimed at discussing the results obtained and the ongoing and future Project activities.
18-19/06/2008 -
Kotor -
The AdriaMed Working Group on Shared Demersal Fishery Resources in the Adriatic Sea |
The AdriaMed Working Group on Shared Demersal Fishery Resources in the Adriatic Sea was held on 18th-19th June 2008 in Kotor (Montenegro) kindly hosted by the Institute of Marine biology of Kotor.
The main aims of the meeting were focused on topics related to the demersal fisheries resources in the Adriatic Sea; in particular on the review the knowledge and information on demersal stocks, on the activities related to the GFCM-SAC requests (identification and compiling of a list of priority species by GSAs, stock assessment of hake,
17/06/2008 -
Kotor -
The AdriaMed Working Group on Shared Small Pelagic Fishery Resources in the Adriatic Sea |
The AdriaMed Working Group on Shared Small Pelagic Fishery Resources in the Adriatic Sea was held on 17th June 2008 in Kotor (Montenegro) kindly hosted by the Institute of Marine biology of Kotor.
The main aims of the Working Group focused on the review the knowledge and information on small pelagic stocks, on the activities related to the GFCM-SAC requests (identification and compiling of a list of priority species by GSAs, and Operational Units). Moreover the specific activities to be implemented within AdriaMed framework were discussed. The meeting was attended by experts from the Agricultural University of Tirana (Albania), the Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries of Split (Croatia), the Institute of Marine Biology of Kotor (Montenegro), the Fisheries Research Institute of Ljubljana (Slovenia), ISMAR-CNR of Ancona (Italy), the Arpa Puglia (Italy) and the Laboratory of Marine Biology of Fano (Italy).
29-30/03/2007 -
Rome -
The AdriaMed Working Group on Shared Demersal Fishery Resources in the Adriatic Sea |
The AdriaMed Working Group on Demersal Fishery Resources in the Adriatic Sea was held on 29th-30th March 2007 in Rome (Italy) at FAO HQ.
The main aims of the meeting were focused on topics related to the demersal fisheries resources in the Adriatic Sea; in particular on the AdriaMed trawl survey 2006, on the AdriaMed Trawl Information System (ATrIS) application, on the Operational Units, on the activities related to the GFCM-SAC requests and on the training courses that the Project is organizing. The meeting was attended by Adriatic experts from the Agricultural University of Tirana (Albania), the Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries of Split (Croatia), the Institute of Marine Biology of Kotor (Montenegro), the Fisheries Research Institute of Ljubljana (Slovenia), ICRAM of Chioggia (Italy), ISMAR-CNR of Ancona (Italy) the Laboratory of Marine Biology of Bari (Italy) and the Laboratory of Marine Biology of Fano (Italy).
15-19/5/2006 -
Ancona -
The AdriaMed Working Group on Shared Small Pelagic Fishery Resources in the Adriatic Sea |
The AdriaMed Working Group on Shared Small Pelagic Fishery Resources in the Adriatic Sea was held on 15th-19th May 2006 in Ancona (Italy) kindly hosted by the “Istituto di Scienze Marine” (CNR-ISMAR) of Ancona. The meeting was attended by Adriatic experts from the Fisheries Research Institute of Durres (Albania), the Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries of Split (Croatia), the Institute of Marine Biology of Kotor (Serbia-Montenegro), the Fisheries Research Institute of Ljubljana (Slovenia), the Laboratory of Marine Biology of Fano (Italy) and the host institute.
29/5-4/6/2005 -
Neretva Channel -
Adriatic Sea
Acoustic Intercalibration Exercise |
An acoustic inter-calibration exercise has been jointly realized between two different research vessels (the Italian R/V Dalla Porta and the Croatian R/V BIOS) in the Neretva Channel (Northern Adriatic Sea, GSA 17) in order to ensure that the acoustic system on the two vessels are compatible and to enable data comparison to achieve a reliable estimate of stock size for the whole area. This inter-ship inter-calibration is in the framework of the AdriaMed activity in assisting the establishment of permanent international acoustic monitoring on pelagic stock variability on an annual basis in the Adriatic Sea.
15-16/9/2004 -
Zagreb -
Working Group on Shared Demersal Fishery Resources in the Adriatic Sea |
The AdriaMed Working Group on Share Demersal resources in the Adriatic Sea met in Zagreb, Croatia, on 15th and 16th September 2004. Concerning the important issue of nursery areas and sensitive habitats of key stocks, the Working Group reviewed available data and information on key-species and it discussed the formulation of scientific advice for fishery management. Final arrangements for the 2004 survey were dealt with, experience gained from previous surveys was discussed and if necessary applied to the third phase; the possibility of routine trawl surveys in the future was also put to the Meeting. The WG identified and selected the Indicators and their associated Reference Points to be used and tested by species/species group and fisheries.
31/6-1/7/2004 -
Bari -
The AdriaMed Working Group on Shared Small Pelagic Fishery Resources in the Adriatic Sea |
The meeting was held on the 30th June and 1st of July in Italy and was hosted by the Laboratory of Marine Biology of Bari. The Working Group aimed to review the knowledge and information on small pelagic stocks particularly as accrued in the last years of AdriaMed activities. The use and integration of available small pelagic assessments and related information was discussed and on the basis of research and assessment work carried out on small pelagic stocks of the Adriatic Sea, possible options for their fishery management and planning was also considered.
26-29/4/2004 -
Ancona -
2nd Regional Small Pelagic Stock Assessment Workshop |
In the context of the AdriaMed research programme “Data Collection and Biological Sampling System on Small Pelagics in the Adriatic Sea” (AdriaMed-SP), the second joint stock assessment workshop was organised at ISMAR in Ancona, Italy. This workshop follows two years of standardized monitoring and data collection carried out in the four countries participating in AdriaMed (Albania, Croatia, Italy and Slovenia). Also, experts from the Republic of Serbia and Montenegro, which has recently joined the AdriaMed Project, attended the workshop. The state of implementation of the AdriaMed-SP programme was appraised and discussed. Technical reports on the assessment of the anchovy and sardine stocks in the Geographical Sub-area 17 were prepared by the regional scientist responsible of the programme together with the workshop participants.
12-13/3/2004 -
Fano -
Working Group on Shared Demersal Fishery Resources in the Adriatic Sea |
The Meeting of the AdriaMed Working Group on Shared Demersal Fishery Resources was held on 12-13 March 2004, hosted by the Laboratory of Marine Biology of Fano (Italy).
The following topics were discussed: Activities related to the GFCM-SAC requests; Demersal resource appraisal (standard stock assessment and possible alternative options); AdriaMed trawl surveys 2003 and 2004 (review, planning, data handling); Indicators and reference points which may be considered at regional level; Identification and applicability of Operational Units to Adriatic Sea fisheries; Montenegrin participation in the AdriaMed framework.
5-7/11/2003 -
Rome -
AdriaMed Expert Consultation: Interactions between aquaculture and capture fisheries |
The principal objective of the expert consultation was to explore the main issues dealing with interactions between aquaculture and capture fisheries using the existing knowledge at Adriatic basin level. The National contributions provided background information of the aquaculture sector in Adriatic countries. Furthermore, on the basis of the information available, a preliminary commented inventory of the main (or potential) relationships between aquaculture and capture fisheries will be presented and discussed, including mention of: local fishing communities (i.e. competition for coastal area use), the impact of aquaculture on local aquatic resources (i.e. genetic pollution, exotic species introduction, pathology spreads), market competition, quality of product, mechanisms to control and prevent competition as well as existing agreements. The expert consultation took into due consideration the current levels of aquaculture development and expectations in the Adriatic Countries. The results of this expert consultation could also be useful for other Mediterranean areas.
The expert consultation provided specific recommendations related to the interaction of capture fisheries and aquaculture using the systemic approach (ecology, economy, governance, legal framework). The expert consultation was an opportunity to generate information to create a base data set on the status of aquaculture. The identification of some reliable indicators will help the future analysis. During the 1st meeting of the AdriaMed Coordination Committee (Termoli, March 2000), delegates recognized the important issue of responsible aquaculture. Aquaculture could determine market and environment effects on fisheries activities and particularly on the prime species market. The Committee suggested that AdriaMed organize an expert consultation on the interactions between aquaculture and capture fisheries. This initiative would represent a contribution at basin level towards the establishment of the principles of the CCRF (Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries) concerning responsible aquaculture activities. Furthermore the results of such an expert consultation could support the Adriatic countries in promoting guidance, which may be used in the development of national fisheries strategic policy and to advance relevant issues at sub regional level. Fisheries Directorate, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Policies, viale dell'Arte 16, 00144 Rome. 5-7 November 2003.
14-15/10/2003 -
Split -
FAO-AdriaMed Technical Consultation on Adriatic Sea Small-Scale Fisheries |
The AdriaMed Technical Consultation on Sea Small-Scale Fisheries was reviewed current knowledge on this key sector of Adriatic fisheries, identifying needs and priorities as well as providing the basis for cooperative future work either within AdriaMed or other contexts. Species whose stocks are shared and small scale fishing gears exploiting these species were dealt with in particular. National Reports for each AdriaMed country were presented. Working papers on specific aspects of Adriatic small scale fisheries were also be discussed.
Small-scale fisheries worldwide account for a substantial part of fish production and are very relevant for their social, economic and ecological implications (the term small-scale fishery is indicatively and incompletely intended to refer to the fishing activity carried out using fishing crafts of less than 10-12 m LOA). In the Adriatic Sea it is thought that in number small-scale fishing vessels make up about 70 % of the total registered regional fishing fleet. Small-scale fisheries contribute significantly to the overall fishery production, however, in contrast to industrial fisheries, this sector is relatively less well documented and investigated, as well as being difficult to monitor (e.g. landing points are many and scattered along the coast, fishing activity can be irregular, multiplicity of gear and of exploited resources, etc.).
Various references are made in the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries to small-scale, artisanal fishing practices; in particular these are addressed under Article 12.12, which underlines the need for research on small-scale fisheries because of their possible bearing on sustainable fisheries. Many Adriatic species whose stocks are shared are also exploited by small-scale fisheries either regularly or during specific phases of their life-cycle. To date, the FAO-AdriaMed Project has mostly focused on large-scale commercial fisheries, however, in consideration of the relevance of small scale fisheries, at the last AdriaMed Coordination Committee meeting (Split, Croatia, December 2002) it was agreed to establish a network of regional experts. In accordance AdriaMed has planned the Technical Consultation on Adriatic Sea Small-Scale Fisheries.
Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, Split, Croatia.
17-18/10/2001 -
Fano -
Meeting of the AdriaMed Working Groups on Shared Fishery Resources |
The activities planned, together with the AdriaMed Working Groups related to the issue of small pelagics and demersal shared fishery resources of the Adriatic Sea, have been,or are being currently implemented. So far, within the Project’s framework, the following topics have been dealt with:
Data Collection and Biological Sampling System on Small Pelagics in the Adriatic Sea: the programme is being implemented, the sampling network has been established, and the first on-the-job training session has been completed.
Preparation of a critical review of the current knowledge and available data sets on demersal resources: a collection and a review of available knowledge and information on demersal species are presently being attended to.
Inventory of the historical data sets and time series of abiotic and biotic variables available at the IOF-Split.
Identification and definition of Geographical Management Units in the Adriatic Sea: a regional proposal was presented to the GFCM-SAC.
Operational Units in the Adriatic Sea: a first regional approach was performed, focusing on the small pelagic fishing fleet.
Bibliographic review of the hake stock assessments in the Adriatic Sea.
Identification of Population Units in Adriatic Sea Shared Stocks by Genetic Structure Analysis: the programme is being implemented as scheduled, and on-the-job training sessions have been carried out.
AdriaMed bottom trawl survey: This is expected to be occur in October and November 2001.
Regional training course on fish population dynamics and stock assessment: carried out at the IOF-Split, 10-29 September 2001.
One of the key-elements of AdriaMed is that the appraisal of shared fishery resources must be done jointly and in cooperation with the scientific institutions of the countries concerned. So far, on several occasions, the Adriatic Region has turned out to be an area in which effective regional scientific cooperation is progressing. At this stage of the project, it is necessary to go forward with concerted actions in consideration of the priority topics identified by the regional scientists at the AdriaMed Working Group meetings. A number of issues still need to be addressed, considered, and acted upon. Among other issues, these might briefly be as follows:
Formulating a Workplan for the identification of management options for the critical habitat of the Pomo/Jabuka Pit.
Appraisal of small pelagic resources of the Adriatic, also taking into consideration the recent GFCM-SAC issues and the review of the progress of the on-going AdriaMed Small Pelagic programme will also be considered.
Establishing and developing a regional approach/strategy for the appraisal of demersal fishery resources and for the consequent formulation of advice for fishery management.
Further use of available information at the regional level for fishery biology and resource appraisal purposes, and for environment-fishery resource relationships.
On the basis of the above and in order to develop as much as possible a collective plan of work, it is advisable to hold an ad hoc meeting. Such a meeting should be informal in nature and practical in its content. The proposed dates are the 17th and 18th of October, 2001. The venue will be at the Laboratory of Marine Biology and Fishery in Fano (Italy).
Agenda of the meeting:
The schedule of the meeting and some of the possible topics are indicated below:
October 17 - morning: Formulation of a work plan for the Pomo/Jabuka area.
October 17 - afternoon: Demersal resources (including GFCM-SAC issues)
-Short and medium term planningAspects of the bottom trawl survey.
October 18 - morning: Small pelagic resources (including GFCM-SAC issues)
-Short and medium term planningAdria-SP implementation (also based on the review of the 1st interim report).
13-15/2/2001 -
Bari -
Joint Meeting of the AdriaMed Working Groups on Shared Demersal and Small Pelagic Fishery Resources |
In line with the Project aim of strengthening joint research and regional management of shared fishery resources, these Working Groups (WG) should mainly focus on shared demersal and small pelagic fishery resources of the Adriatic Sea. The Joint Working Groups Meeting is the follow up of the AdriaMed Working Groups on shared demersal resources and small pelagic resources and of the Project Coordination Committee deliberations.
Objectives of the meeting
This meeting was mostly focused on the research activities to be carried out within the AdriaMed framework, in particular on the programmes:
Identification of biological unit of Adriatic Sea shared stocks based on genetic structure analysis.
International bottom trawl survey in the Adriatic Sea .
Pilot fishery statistics and biological sampling network in the Adriatic Sea.
Identification of management options for the Pomo/Jabuka Pit critical habitat.
Training activities on fishery resources assessment.
Special attention was given to:
Outcome of the GFCM-SAC Working Group meeting on the Management Units Definition and Limits (Alicante 23-25 January 2001).
Issues of the GFCM-SAC requirements for the forthcoming SCSA Working Group on small pelagic and demersal species.
Discussion on the Operational Units in the Adriatic in order to formulate a regional approach and practical contribution to the next GFCM-SAC meeting on the definition of Operational Units in the Mediterranean Sea.
The WG was attended by:
AdriaMed relevant scientific counterparts from each country participating in the Project (Regional Experts);
FAO-AdriaMed Secretariat.
Laboratory of Marine Biology, Bari, Italy.
13th-15th February 2001.
Organization The WG was organised by the FAO–AdriaMed Project and the Laboratory of Marine Biology, with the collaboration of the AdriaMed’s National Focal Points.
12-13/10/2000 -
Split -
Working Group on the Definition of Priority Topics Related to Shared Small Pelagic Fishery Resources of the Adriatic Sea 1st Meeting, (Adriatic Sea Shared Stocks) |
In line with the Project aim of strengthening joint research and regional management of shared fishery resources, this Working Group (WG) should mainly focus on small pelagic fish resources by identifying the most relevant issues and consequently formulating specific activities to be implemented within the cooperative framework of the AdriaMed Project.
The main aim is the strengthening of regional scientific cooperation through the organization of an international WG of experts on priority topics related to the shared small pelagic resources of the Adriatic Sea. The most of commercial small pelagic species constitute shared stocks. The comprehension of the pattern by which stocks are shared between countries is a central issue. Therefore, it would be desirable to produce and assemble evidence on the nature of shared stocks, which may depend on the movement pattern, and, on a practical level, the interaction with fishing fleet/gear.
An ad hoc WG whose activity will be organised in several sessions. The WG will consist of regional experts and it will be open to external, qualified contributions. It will be coordinated by an experienced scientist from the region assisted by the AdriaMed staff. Initially, the WG will consider a list of target commercial species which are thought to constitute shared stocks. Consequently, should the available scientific evidence be uncertain or insufficient, available information (e.g. research data, fishery statistics, etc.) from each country will be cooperatively used for analysis. Important gaps in the scientific knowledge of some shared stocks, which cannot be filled with the existing information, will be highlighted and research proposals drawn up.
It is expected that from the WG activities an improved definition and assessment of commercially important shared stocks will be obtained through strengthened regional scientific cooperation. Proposals for joint research priorities will be elaborated where needed. Technical advice for cooperative fishery management of shared resources will be formulated.
The WG is established within the so-called AdriaSHARE Project component (“Report of the 1st Meeting of the AdriaMed Coordination Committee”, GCP/RER/010/ITA/TD-01, refers). The WG has the practical and operative objectives of:
Considering the available information and knowledge on how these resources are shared between countries/fishing fleets;
Reviewing and highlighting the gaps in the scientific knowledge of small pelagic stocks which are relevant for their management;
Envisaging possible ways to achieve through regional scientific cooperation an improved understanding of the links between environmental variables and pelagic fishery production in the Adriatic Sea.
Proposing activities of regional scientific cooperation to be carried out within AdriaMed framework.
The following topics are proposed for consideration in the Agenda of the WG:
Listing of target shared stocks/fisheries by Adriatic Sea Geographical Management Units;
Status of the available knowledge on the ecology and population dynamics of the main shared stocks also with reference to their seasonal and spatial distribution pattern by size/age in territorial and international waters;
Current identification of, and knowledge on, critical areas for spawning and recruitment of shared resources which may require the adoption of management measures;
Dynamics of the fishery exploitation exerted by fishing fleets/gear of the countries sharing the resources;
Knowledge of the relationships between life cycles of small pelagic species and environmental characteristics of the Adriatic Sea system;
Justification for the preparation of a synopsis on the biology and fishery exploitation of the main shared species of the Adriatic Sea.
The WG identified the main and priority issues concerning the biological knowledge and fishery management aspects of the shared small pelagic stocks of the Adriatic Sea. Consequently, practical formulation of joint activities was elaborated by the WG, inclusive of methodological approach, to be implemented by the AdriaMed Project within its resources and mandate. The work programme for the future WG activities was established. A report was prepared by the Secretariat in cooperation with the nominated Chair of the meeting.
The WG is attended by:
FAO-AdriaMed Secretariat;
External qualified experts may also be invited;
The AdriaMed Project supports the attendance at the meeting of two nationals from each country; other participants on their own funds are welcomed.
Venue: Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, Split (Croatia).
Date: 12-13 October 2000.
A support paper, to be included in the WG meeting final report, reviewing the status of each country research and fishery on small pelagics is requested.
The WG was organised by the FAO–AdriaMed Project and Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, with the collaboration of the AdriaMed’s National Focal Points.
See Related Publication:
Priority Topics Related to Small Pelagic Fishery Resources of the Adriatic Sea |
24-25/7/2000 -
Fano -
Working Group on the Definition of Priority Topics Related to Shared Demersal Fishery Resources of the Adriatic Sea 1st Meeting, (Adriatic Sea Shared Stocks) |
In line with the Project aim of strengthening joint research and regional management of shared fishery resources, this Working Group (WG) focuses mainly on demersal resources by identifying the most relevant issues and consequently formulating specific activities to be implemented within the cooperative framework of the AdriaMed Project.
The Adriatic Sea constitutes one the few exceptions within the Mediterranean where the shelf area extends beyond territorial into international waters. Many commercial species constitute or will constitute shared stocks, but sound scientific evidence is somewhat fragmentary. It is necessary to comprehend the pattern by which some stocks are shared between countries. Therefore, it would be desirable to produce and assemble evidence on the nature of shared stocks, which may depend on the movement pattern and, on a practical level, the interaction with fishing fleet/gear.
This is an ad hoc WG whose activity will be in several sessions. The WG consists of regional experts and it is open to external, qualified contributions. It will be coordinated by an experienced scientist from the region assisted by the AdriaMed staff. Initially, the WG will consider a list of target commercial species which are thought to constitute shared stocks. Consequently, should the available scientific evidence be uncertain or insufficient, available information (e.g. research data, fishery statistics, etc.) from each country will be cooperatively used for analysis. Important gaps in the scientific knowledge of some shared stocks, which cannot be filled with the existing information, will be highlighted and research proposals drawn up.
The main aim is the strengthening of regional scientific cooperation through the organization of an international Working Group of experts on the identification and definition priority topics related to shared demersal resources of the Adriatic Sea shared stocks.
The Working Group is established within the so-called Adria-SHARE project component “Report of the 1st Meeting of the AdriaMed Coordination Committee”, GCP/RER/010/ITA/TD-01, refers).
The WG has the practical and operative objectives of:
Identifying and defining shared demersal resources and related fisheries of the Adriatic Sea;
Considering the available information and knowledge on how these resources are shared between countries/fishing fleets;
Reviewing and highlighting the gaps in the scientific knowledge of shared demersal stocks which are relevant for their management;
Proposing activities of regional scientific cooperation to be carried out within AdriaMed framework.
The WG will identify the main and priority issues concerning the biological knowledge and fishery management aspects of the shared demersal stocks of the Adriatic Sea. Consequently, practical formulation of joint activities will be elaborated by the WG, inclusive of methodological approach, to be implemented by the AdriaMed Project within its resources and mandate. The work programme for the future WG activities will be established. A report of the meeting will be prepared by the Secretariat in cooperation with the Chairman.
It is expected that from the WG activities an improved definition and assessment of commercially important shared stocks will be obtained through strengthened regional scientific cooperation. Proposals for joint research priorities will be elaborated where needed. Technical advice for cooperative fishery management of shared resources will be formulated.
The WG was attended by:
AdriaMed relevant scientific counterparts from each country participating in the Project (Regional Experts);
FAO-AdriaMed Secretariat.
See Related Publication:
Priority Topics Related to Shared Demersal Fishery Resources of the Adriatic Sea
-Report of the First Meeting of the AdriaMed Working Group on Shared Demersal Resources- |