19-23/10/2020 -
Zoom -
Online course/Workshop on Empirical Indicators for Fisheries Management Advice |
The FAO Mediterranean Projects AdriaMed, CopeMed, EastMed and MedsudMed organized, in collaboration with the FAO-Fisheries Division, thethe Online course/Workshop on Empirical Indicators for Fisheries Management Advice (Zoom, 19-23 October 2020)). The course was attended by 27 participants, mainly senior scientists from 13 Mediterranean countries involved in the Projects activities. The course focused on Empirical Management Procedures and particularly on the development, selection, and use of empirical indicators to provide operational fisheries management advice. Its starting point was the set of basic requirements of the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries applied to Fisheries Management Processes. During the workshop most of the time was dedicated to discussing the process and criteria for selecting, validating, using and communicating empirical indicators, and also on how to run a peer-validation process for improving the credibility and legitimacy of the indicators and their use in management. A pool of indicators was selected and real data exercises on two stocks formally assessed respectively as over- and under- exploited in the Mediterranean were completed. The results were discussed to highlight properties of indicators and to compare the indicator findings with the outcomes of model based assessment.
5-9/10/2020 -
Zoom -
Online Training Workshop: Introduction to integrated stock assessment using Stock Synthesis |
The FAO Mediterranean Projects AdriaMed, CopeMed and MedsudMed organized, in collaboration with the FAO-Fisheries Division and the USA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the the Online Training Workshop on Introduction to integrated stock assessment using Stock Synthesis (Zoom, 05-09 October 2020)). The course was delivered by a team of lecturers from FAO, NOAA and JRC, including the main developers of the Stock Synthesis model. It was attended by 15 participants and 8 observers from 8 countries in the Western-Central Mediterranean and Adriatic Sea where integrated assessment models are currently being used as part of the benchmark process for hake and blackspot seabream. The course aimed at understanding concepts of integrated assessment models as well as on getting acquainted with the integrated assessment package Stock Synthesis. The first half of the workshop focused on the overview of the program and detailed setups of data and parameters. The second half, consisted on theoretical and practical sessions, during which students applied the model to datasets provided by the trainers, and could examine model outputs, retrospective analysis and sensitivity tests for a full model diagnostics and provision of advice.
8-19/07/2019 -
Capo Granitola -
Sicily, Italy
Summer School in quantitative fisheries stock assessment: 3rd edition |
The FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department, with the involvement of AdriaMed and of all the FAO Mediterranean Projects (CopeMed II, EastMed, MedSudMed), the GFCM and the European Commission Joint Research Center (JRC), organized the third edition of the “Summer School in quantitative fisheries stock assessment”. The Summer School was held at IAS-CNR of Capo Granitola, Italy, in two consecutive modules, Module I from 8 to 12 July and Module II from 15 to 19 July. Module I was planned as an introduction to the statistic environment R and on its use for basic data handling and statistical analysis in preparation of fisheries studies. Module II focused on the R libraries in FLR (Fisheries Libraries in R) and their use for stock assessment.
4-8/11/2013 -
Rome -
Improving the Analysis of Fisheries Data: An Introduction to R and the Fisheries Library based on R (FLR) |
This training held under a series of priority actions of the different institutions involved. The joint Research Centre (JRC), in order to support the EU enlargement policy, promotes the integration of the EU New Member States, Candidate Countries and Potential Candidate Countries in the European Research Area and assists them through an increased participation in relevant activities by offering training and mobility possibilities. In addition to the European Neighborhood Policy (ENP), the JRC is offering the same possibilities on an ad hoc basis also to the ENP Partner Countries. For the GFCM and the FAO Regional Projects, the course is included within the actions towards capacity building in stock assessment, as a way to improve science underpinning management of fisheries in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea, and to follow related recommendations made by the GFCM Scientific and Advisory Committee (SAC).
27-29/06/2011 -
Split -
Training course on ASFA methodologies |
A training course on ASFA methodologies has been organized and carried out at the Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries (IOF) in Split (27-29 June 2011). The training to the new staff of IOF assigned to the ASFA activities aimed at explaining the rules, authority lists, formats codes and procedures (i.e. ASFA methodology) used in the preparation of bibliographic records to be submitted (as input) to the ASFA Bibliographic Database. This activity has been carried out as part of the AdriaMed mandate as ASFA International Partner. In this framework the Project is continuing the activities carried out so far for the inclusion of the Adriatic Scientific publications in the ASFA database, as well as supporting the collaboration centres created at the Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries (IOF) in Split, Croatia, and at the Institute of Marine Biology of Kotor (Montenegro).
5-7/4/2005 -
Termoli -
AdriaMed Training on ASFA Methodology |
AdriaMed organized a methodological training course on ASFA. The aim of the course was to explain the rules, authority lists, formats codes and procedures used in the preparation of bibliographic description, abstract and indexing of records to be submitted to the ASFA Bibliographic Database, to the new joined AdriaMed - ASFA collaborating Centre of Croatia, the Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries of Split (IOF).