Scientific Cooperation to Support Responsible Fisheries in the Adriatic Sea

AdriaMed Publications Occasional Papers

  The number of Occasional Papers are 27  


 AdriaMed Seminar on the preparation of the AdriaFISH Project Component


 The Geographical Management Units of the Adriatic Sea. Paper presented at the GFCM-SAC Working Group on Management Units


 The Biology and Stock Assessment of Merluccius merluccius (L.) in the Adriatic Sea: an Historical Review by Geographical Management Units. - Paper presented at the GFCM-SAC Working Group on Demersal Species


 A preliminary contribution to the Mediterranean Operational Units. - Paper presented at the GFCM-SAC Working Group on Operational Units

GCP/RER/010/ITA/OP-07 (AdriaMed Occasional Papers n°7)

 Source and Accessibility of Socio-Economic data in AdriaMed member countries

GCP/RER/010/ITA/OP-08 (AdriaMed Occasional Papers n°8)

 Age Determination Manual. AdriaMed training course on fish age determination by otolith reading

GCP/RER/010/ITA/OP-09 (AdriaMed Occasional Papers n°9)

 Anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus, L.) stock assessment in the Adriatic Sea: 1975-2002. Paper presented at the GFCM-SAC Working Group on Small Pelagic Species (Tangier, 12th-14th March 2003)

GCP/RER/010/ITA/OP-10 (AdriaMed Occasional Papers n°10)

 Sardine (Sardina pilchardus, Walb.) stock assessment in the Adriatic Sea: 1975-2002. Paper presented at the GFCM-SAC Working Group on Small Pelagic Species (Tangier, 12th-14th March 2003)

GCP/RER/010/ITA/OP-11 (AdriaMed Occasional Papers n°11)

 Assessment of demersal resources exploited by the Albanian trawl fishery: the case studies “hake” and “red mullet”

GCP/RER/010/ITA/OP-06 Rev.1 (AdriaMed Occasional Papers n°6 Rev.1)

 Revision 1: Manual of the Recorder - AdriaMed Training Course on Data Collection and Biological Sampling System on Small Pelagics

GCP/RER/010/ITA/OP-12 (AdriaMed Occasional Papers n°12)

 AdriaMed Trawl Survey Databank: User Manual

GCP/RER/010/ITA/OP-13 (AdriaMed Occasional Papers n°13)

 Sardine (Sardina pilchardus, Walb.) stock assessment in the Adriatic Sea: 1975-2003. Paper presented at the GFCM-SAC Working Group on Small Pelagic Species (Malaga, 6th-7th May 2004)

GCP/RER/010/ITA/OP-14 (AdriaMed Occasional Papers n°14)

 Anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus, L.) stock assessment in the Adriatic Sea: 1975-2003. Paper presented at the GFCM-SAC Working Group on Small Pelagic Species (Malaga, 6th-7th May 2004)

GCP/RER/010/ITA/OP-15 (AdriaMed Occasional Papers n°15)

 Genetic stock structure analysis revealed single population units in the shared stocks of Adriatic demersal species

GCP/RER/010/ITA/OP-17 (AdriaMed Occasional Papers n°17)

 Developing a Regional Trawl Surveys Information System: AtrIS

GCP/RER/010/ITA/OP-26 (AdriaMed Occasional Papers n°26)

 AdriaMed Trawl Survey Information System (ATrIS): the Biological Indicators module user manual (ver. 2.1)

GCP/RER/010/ITA/OP-05 (AdriaMed Occasional Papers n°5)

 The FAO-AdriaMed Project and its activities of interest to the SAP BIO Project. Paper presented at the First Meeting of the Advisory Committee of the project for the preparation of a Strategic Action Plan for the conservation of biological diversity (SAP BIO) in the Mediterranean Region

GCP/RER/010/ITA/OP-18 (AdriaMed Occasional Papers n°18)

 An Overview of the Albanian Fishing Fleet and Landing Dynamics. Paper presented at the GFCM-SAC Sub-Committee on Fishery Statistics and Information

GCP/RER/010/ITA/OP-20 (AdriaMed Occasional Papers n°20)

 A methodological contribution to the identification of recruitment relevant areas for some shared demersal fisheries resources in the Southern Adriatic Sea (GSA 18). Paper presented at the GFCM-SAC Subcommittee on Stock Assessment (SCSA)

GCP/RER/010/ITA/OP-21 (AdriaMed Occasional Papers n°21)

 Abstracts on small pelagic resources presented at the GFCM-SAC GFCM SAC Sub-Committee on Stock Assessment (Rome, 26/30 September 2005). Paper presented at the 7th AdriaMed Coordination Committee

GCP/RER/010/ITA/OP-19 (AdriaMed Occasional Papers n°19)

 Applicability and performance of some biological and economic indicators for the Adriatic Sea trawl fisheries in the western GFCM GSA 18

GCP/RER/010/ITA/OP-23 (AdriaMed Occasional Papers n°23)

 The AdriaMed Portal web statistics (November 2006). Paper presented at the AdriaMed Coordination Committee

GCP/RER/010/ITA/OP-24 (AdriaMed Occasional Papers n°24)

 Some considerations on the concept and definition of the “priority species” for the fishery assessment and management purposes in the GFCM area--Preliminary appraisal for the discussion on the criteria to update the SAC shared stocks lists. Papers presented at the GFCM-Scientific Advisory Committee

GCP/RER/010/ITA/OP-25 (AdriaMed Occasional Papers n°25)

 AdriaMed database on fisheries social surveys data (DBS): User Manual

GCP/RER/010/ITA/OP-28 (AdriaMed Occasional Papers n°28)

 AdriaMed Databases - A brief guide

GCP/RER/010/ITA/OP-29 (AdriaMed Occasional Papers n°29)

 Identification of the priority species and shared stocks in the Mediterranean Geographical sub-area 18 (Southern Adriatic Sea). Paper presented at the GFCM-SAC Sub Committee on Stock Assessment

GCP/RER/010/ITA/OP-30 (AdriaMed Occasional Papers n°30)

 Comparability of two different methods for the stock assessment of hake (Merluccius merluccius L.) in the Mediterranean Geographical Sub-Area 18 (Southern Adriatic Sea). Paper presented at the GFCM-SAC Sub Committee on Stock Assessment




© FAO-AdriaMed project  - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Fisheries and Aquaculture Department
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