Scientific Cooperation to Support Responsible Fisheries in the Adriatic Sea

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AdriaMed Seminar on the Preparation of the AdriaFISH Project Component (Adriatic Fishery Information System)    

6-7/9/2000 - Rome - Italy

click to open relative textAdria-FISH is one of the Components of the AdriaMed Project AdriaFISH designed and developed to be used for either the multi-disciplinary fishery information system which will be made available to, and shared with the other countries, and also for information that the owner-state may consider for only confidential/national use. Coastal countries will have the opportunity to develop customised databases which will have the feature of being fully compatible with the regional component of the information system, or link their own databases with the regional structure to enable their participation in the regional system. The aims of this component are to: Design, develop and set up a fishery information system to enable national institutions to collect, store and analyse the multi-disciplinary data required for fisheries monitoring at national and regional level. The domain “Research and Development” is the first to be considered in this phase. AdriaFISH is being developed and structured on the basis of the experience accrued from the implementation of the FAO-ICRAM Itafish Project. The standardisation of the information will be pursued as necessary requisite. Each country participating in the AdriaMed Project will be assisted in developing customised databases. National databases will have a main common structure which will make the core of the regional fishery information system. The establishment of a multi-disciplinary integrated, and standardised, fishery sector information system for both national and regional fisheries management requirements. AdriaFISH constitutes a step towards the standardisation and harmonisation, at regional level, of fishery information. Since April 2000 four meetings have taken place between the FIR staff and AdriaMed Staff on this project component (AdriaMed: OM-03/04/06). During this phase only the installation of the Area “Research and Development” was taken into consideration. The following actions and decisions have been taken: It was underlined that Adria-FISH will be a data-base system based on ITAFISH in which each AdriaMed Country can organise its own data. Each country will have a common part (concerning the regional aspects and shared among the participants) and a confidential part which is not shared. The design of Adria-FISH, its concept and the development process must be elaborated with the countries. For this it is necessary to understand each country’s priorities (AdriaMed-Inventory Phase). The prototype system will be installed in the Countries. The Regional Centre for data management will be AdriaMed–HQ, a National Centre will be installed in two places, one as a National Scientific Point one as an Administrative Point. In the context of point 1.4 a the following was done: A review of some component parts due to the different context of the AdriaMed Project its aims. The revision of the structure of the data tables and the definition of the fields. The revision of the reference tables. An analysis of the data structure relative to the possibility of data exchange with other systems (ASFA). In the context of points 1.4 b and 1.4 c a Seminar concerning the design and the development approach of AdriaFISH focused on the Area Research and Development was organised. The overall objective of the seminar was: the establishment of the basic concepts and definition (conceptual design) of AdriaFISH use for the AdriaMed Countries; the demonstration of its use and the prototype application to the countries; the identification of each country’s priorities. The seminar included: A demonstration of the information system. A demonstration of the utility of the regional system. Discussion of the system’s conceptual design. Developing methodology. Test of the prototype software. The participants now have an understanding of the AdriaFISH system. The point of view of experts from each country regarding AdriaFISH was gained. A country plan for the implementation of AdriaFISH was decided. The participants will now take the necessary steps towards the installation and testing of the software in their home country. To verify the viability one or two mission from AdriaMed IT Staff will be considered. Each country nominated two participants who are involved in fisheries administration and who have knowledge of the countries' information systems. The seminar took place at the Fisheries Directorate, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Policies (MiPAF), Rome. 6-7 September 2000. Working Papers: Manual for Adriafish. Software. Power Point presentation. Other didactic materials. The papers will be part in English part in Italian.        


FAO AdriaMed
AdriaMed Seminar on the preparation of the AdriaFISH Project Component.  (Rome, Italy 6th-7th September 2000). Browse the Publications
GCP/RER/010/ITA/OP-01. 2000. 12 pp. -55 Kb-.  Download Download the Publication

Keywords: data processing - data collections - information services


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